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Tom and Harrison being at a bar and Harrison was trying to get Tom to go for a girl.

"Who in this place seems like your type?"

Harrison would ask the question to make it simple. Tom would look around the large room, no one really catching his eye. Then he would see you laughing with your friends. He'd think about how he didn't know anything about you but he did like your smile. It seemed genuine.

"Maybe the girl over there."

He'd nod his head towards your table before taking a sip of his beer. Harrison would look over and his eyebrows would scrunch up in confusion.

"Which one?"

"Farthest on the right."

Tom would be trying to be discreet so you wouldn't look over and notice the two of them staring.

"She's cute."

Harrison would say while turning back to look at Tom.

"You should go talk to her."

So Tom would spend most of the night trying to come up with what to say to you. Until finally you kind of came to him.

"Mate, she's walking over here."

Panic would take over Tom. You'd be walking by and his opportunity to talk to you was coming to a close.


You'd barely hear the voice over the music but turn around to find two gorgeous young men looking up at you.


You'd say cautiously. Despite wearing a hat you'd be able to recognize the brunette and the blonde would seem familiar as well.

"You're really pretty."

Tom would want to smack himself. Why was he just saying the first words that came into his mind? You would slightly blush and think about how your friend was right. He had been staring at you.

"I'm Tom. Tom Holland. I play the new Spider-Man. You know, Spider-Man?"

Aw, he was trying to impress you.

"Is that so?"

You'd smile down at him, getting closer to their table.


The word would just escape his lips.

"And is that supposed to impress me?"

A smirk would play on your lips. Harrison would snicker at your question, amused by how this was working out. Tom's confidence would diminish slightly.

"Kind of?"

It would come out more of a question. You'd chuckle softly.

"You're lucky that you're cute."

Tom would smile at your remark. Both of you would laugh at how this was working out. Then you'd grab his hat and place it on your head.

"Oh C'mon. That—that's my hat."

You'd start to walk back a couple steps.

"I know. It just gives you a reason to see me again."

Tom would playfully scoff as you walk back over to your friends. Harrison would look over at Tom.

"Well, you better get your hat back, Mate."

Tom would smile before standing up and making his way over to you.

Tom Holland Short ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now