Prank Call

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Prank calling Tom and having to ask him out on a date.

You would be filming a video with some of your friends that are YouTubers (or maybe you are a YouTuber). There would be one jar on the table in front of you filled with papers that have sayings on them and another jar with papers that have a letter and number. It would be your turn. You'd pick from one of the jars. Your friends would be waiting excitedly. You'd unravel the paper.

"Ask out on date."

Your friends would get loud, knowing that this would be a good call. You'd reach in to the other jar to see who you would be asking out.

"H - 14"

You'd scroll through your phone to find the contact. Your friends would burst into laughter from the name.

"Oh my god, Tom Holland!"

You would cringe at the thought of it. You and Tom would be friends, not extremely close but, still, just friends. You would reluctantly call his phone, praying he wouldn't answer.


Dammit. One of your friends would push your shoulder to get you to answer.

"Uh, hey."

"Are you okay? You never call me."

You'd squeeze your eyes shut out of cringe.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just wondering. What are yo- are you like in town right now?"

You would think about how your voice was wavering too much.


He'd drag out the word.

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

You'd ask with little confidence.

"I, uh- have a few interviews in the morning and then maybe a meeting with my managers."

"Do you want to grab lunch or something?"

"Yeah, sure. We could definitely hang out. That would be gr—"

Your friend would whisper into your ear what to say.

"Like a date."

You'd clarify and then hold your breath for his response. There'd be a few seconds of silence.

"A date?"

He'd question. You'd go right ahead and ask it.

"Yeah. Do you want to go on a date with me Tom?"

"I guess—"

Another one of your friends would whisper something in your ear.

"I think you're cute."

Then you'd be literally cringing. This could go bad.

"Aw, that's so sweet, darling."

The pet name would slip in so easily with the other words that you would barely notice, but your friends would. They would squeal.

"If I say yes to that date, will you're friends be there too? Because they can be a little loud sometimes."

Everyone would laugh out loud at this. He had caught on. One of your friends would take the phone out of your hand.

"No, we won't be there. Pick her up at 8. Bye!"

They would hang up the phone. Your friends would giggle and squeal at what just happened. What have I gotten myself into? You'd think to yourself

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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