Chapter 15: Wall Maria, Female Titan

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~????'s P.O.V~

The pink headed girl was down, I'm glad that she's now dead, she's a tough one, going against three abnormal titans at once. But there is no need to care about her now, I only need to go get Eren and (Y/N) then our mission would be completed.... Just wait for me to bring Victory home, Armored and Colossal...

~(Y/N)'s P.O.V~
I was leading Talia while riding on (H/N)'s back, still sobbing because of Juli's death. Tears unjust won't stop rolling down my cheeks, Trust me, I tried to stop crying, but it didn't work. The horses might have noticed and stopped running, (H/N) let out a low neigh and Talia raised her head up, rubbing her scotch against my arm in a comforting manner. This made me felt slightly better, I raised my hands and pet the two horses manes, thanking them for comforting me, they both neighed after. Heh, weird right? I didn't know that horses can comfort humans.

Before I made (H/N) start running again, I took in a few deep breathes, you know, to calm myself down from a friend's death. After a minute of breathing, I looked at the two horses and smiled slightly at them, "Let's go guys, we got missions to do!" I said, making the two horses start to run at their fastest pace. 

We kept on running, following the green smokes from Erwin's directioning. It was a long ride... Before we were met with a black smoke. Where black smoke came from seems to be right in front of us, so I made Talia and (H/N) sped up a bit to help whoever was facing the abnormal Titan. I pulled out one of my blades first, preparing, ya know?

Just as I arrived there, I was greeted with tons of dead bodies of cadets and friends, and what seems to be a female Titan leading a group of smaller titans behind it. If I am right, Hanji said most titans Appearance are male-like.... But this one, it is 100% Female like. Huh, weird. But who cares, I just need to get rid of it, then the smaller titans will be lost without their leader. 

I stood up on (H/N) and let out a loud-ass shriek, but it's somehow only loud enough to catch the Female Titan's attention. I grinned at myself for the result before hopping down into a sitting position on (H/N)'s back and start making (Him/Her) run, followed by the Female Titan and Talia of course.

It was a easy-go plan, but running over dead bodies kinda ruined how it would end up. We were running on full speed to where I can have space to use the ODM gear, but somehow, (H/N) tripped over and fell. The sudden fall made me stumbled off where I was sitting, and falling onto the ground. 

Rolling across the field seems to be something horrible to happen when you are about to die, and I know that because it just happened to me. I fell and got knocked around by the earthquakes that the Female Titan made when it was running. It hurt, for sure. Red dark liquid was flowing down from my forehead, some of it covered part of my vision, it was a long moment to focus on what I was looking at. I tried to stand up and take a slice of the Titan's leg so It would stop running, but that was a bad Idea. The Titan raised its foot and took a heavy and mean step on my weak body.


And the world turned black.

Guess I failed my job? I didn't even keep the promise that I made for Juli...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2018 ⏰

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