We'll Make it Work

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(Ramona's POV)

I was sitting in my room a few days after my mom decided she wanted to move out. I was still holding on to the hope that she was just being crazy and we would stay here, so my room was still intact. I was talking to Lola on the phone when my mom walked in. "Um I'll call you back Lola, my mom wants to talk to me," I said into my phone before hanging up and looking expectantly at my mom.

"Ramona!" She said, exasperated.


"I told you to start packing days ago! It looks like you've done nothing." My mom frowned, looking around the room.

"Mom I didn't think you were serious."

"Of course I'm serious! When am I not serious?"

"Um... a lot?"

"Oh yeah. That's right. But anyway, I found a house I think you might like! It's really nice and it's far enough away from here that I don't have to deal with Fernando anymore."

"I don't want to move Mom."

"Well we're moving and that's that. So get packing. I'm serious. Maybe I'm not serious all the time, but this time I mean it!" She stalked out of my room with a purpose. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to move. I loved the Fullers. Even if I wasn't excited to live with them at first, it really grew on me and I didn't want to live anywhere else than the home I already had.

I reluctantly pulled down a suitcase and started putting things in it. As I was packing, Jackson came across the hall and hovered in the doorway. I looked up at him. "So it's true?" he asked sadly. I nodded. I didn't want to talk about it right then, because talking about it would make it more real, and I think Jackson knew that. We didn't talk about anything. He just silently walked over and started helping me pack.

I smiled sadly at him. What if we couldn't be together anymore? I had only just gotten him and now I could be losing him. He caught me looking at him and glanced at me. "We can make it," he said optimistically. Somehow he had read my mind. I smiled and nodded again. I didn't really know what to say. I wasn't as optimistic as Jackson was. I did want us to make it, I just didn't know if we could.

After quite a while of packing up I finally looked over at Jackson. "Maybe if I move we should just —"

"No, no. You are not breaking up with me Ramona," Jackson said, cutting me off.

"Jackson I'm just saying that it might be hard —"

"I don't care if it's hard. I don't want to break up. We can get through hard stuff... if we both want it."

"I do want it Jackson, but I don't know how far away I'll be. We might hardly ever see each other anymore. Will it be worth it? Will you still want to date me if we can hardly even date?"

"Of course I'll want to date you! Ramona I really like you. I didn't go out with you for no reason. I've never been able to find a good relationship because all the girls just leave, but you actually like me for who I am. I've gotten broken up with enough times. Don't do this to me. Stay with me Ramona."

"Jackson... I want to stay with you, I just —" suddenly I couldn't speak anymore. I'm startled by Jackson's lips on mine. The kiss only lasted a second, but I wasn't prepared for it. I sit there, stunned, staring at Jackson. He looks almost as surprised as I am.

After several moments of silence, Jackson opened his mouth. "Please?" he whispered shyly.

I nodded. "Ok. We'll make it work." I smiled and he smiled back. I was still really upset about moving, even if I wasn't fully convinced my mom was serious yet, but Jackson had definitely made me feel better. I was really worried that I wouldn't be able to see him anymore. I was worried I wouldn't be able to see DJ, Steph, Max, and Tommy also. I had grown so used to life with my second family, that it seemed unfair for it to be taken away so soon.

I spent the next few days packing. My mom occasionally came up to show me a house she had found to see how I liked it. She found a bunch of different houses, but somehow there was something wrong about each one. Everyone in the house was trying to convince her not to move, but she wouldn't take it. She had her mind set. Maybe she really was serious this one time... this one time when I wanted so badly for her to just be acting crazy like she always does.

No matter how hard we tried though, she wouldn't budge. Nearly my whole room was packed up about two weeks later. I was sitting on my barren floor when my mom came rushing in, looking excited. "This is it Ramona! This is the one!"

"What are you talking about Mom?" I asked, tired from all the packing.

"I'm talking about the perfect house! I love it! I'll call the salesperson tomorrow. Get ready Ramona! We're really doing this!" My mom seemed so excited that I faked a smile and just didn't say anything. I was sure if I opened my mouth, I would lose my mind. If my mom was this happy, the least I could do was try not to blow up on her. She ran out of my room and I slumped back on my bed frame, wishing I could stay there forever.

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