¿when I behave badly.?

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There is a day when one behaves badly and there are days when one does not.

When our parents scold us, we behave badly. Sometimes we behave badly, when they do not let us go out to play, watch television or do other things that we like.

Portarce wrong with adults oh classmates, it is a lack of respect towards yourself.

Sometimes we do things that our parents, oh neighbors, do not like and they often scold us.

We must do the good things so that mama and papa feel proud of ourselves.

The bad education, habeces comes from the family, but we must improve that part that you like and others do not.

Then it's time to do things the way they are, and do not misbehave.

And what will you do.

Ganadorthe winner and the loser.

We are rivals of ourselves. Sometimes we get angry with ourselves, and we tell ourselves, I will overcome you, I will be better than you. These are things that we must take into account.

We will see the difference between a winner and a loser.

A winner, always committed.

A loser, always makes promises.

A ganardor, always says: I'm good, but not as good as I want to be.

A loser, always says: I'm not as bad as many people are.

A winner, always doing things as they should be,

A loser, he never does things the way they should be.

A winner says: I can.

A loser, always says: I can not.

You have to do things, your way. It does not mean that others like it.

What are you. A winner or a loser.

😀😞Moses moments and good times.

Many times, we have bad moments, that we face.

We have had bad times and good times, but the best times you have had is when you are with that special person for you.

Habeces the bad moments, they take us to the good moments. When love turns its back on you, you usually raise another to back it up.

When we are sad and oppressed. The most important thing to tell a friend. Because it could be that that friend is going through the same thing as you.

> We are all wrong.

There is no time, when you have not been wrong about something. For the mistake leads to perfection. When we make mistakes, we try to do better, so we do not make mistakes again.

To surpass.

Good times and bad times. But it's time to overcome. There is a time when we feel lonely and depressed. When nobody wants to trust you anymore and they do not give you the support you expected from them. But they have abandoned you and you are alone in the world.

Well it's time to overcome and prove to the world that you're not good at all. Sometimes I felt lonely and I started talking to God and I told him. Who I am? Where do I come from?. If you really are god, because you do not show me your power and you make me different.

God does not want evil for anyone. God seeks good and peace for all mankind. Not only are you going through difficult times. Everyone is.

Sometimes God sets a barrier for you to overcome. But you surrender. You imagine what is behind that barrier. Because you do not take a look to see what's behind the barrier. Maybe it's the love you're looking for, be it happiness, be it wealth, be something more than money. God wants you to fight for what you want. Because you will find it.

Because it is time to overcome.

Next chapter (when the family comes first)

I hope you enjoy it

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