the furtive gift.

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Monday, January 29, 2007

The sneaky gift

A boy was born with a disease that had no cure. At 17 years old, he could die at any moment. He had always stayed at home, in the care of his mother, but he was fed up and decided to go out alone for once. He visited many stores and, when passing through one of music, saw a beautiful young girl of the same age. It was love at first sight. He opened the door and entered without looking at anything but her. Approaching little by little, he came to the counter where the girl was, who looked at him and said, with a smile:

- May I help you?

He thought it was the most beautiful smile he had ever seen in his life. He wanted to kiss her at that moment. Stuttering, he said:

- Yes, eeehhh, uuuhhh ... I would like to buy a record - and without thinking, he took the first one he saw and gave him the money.

- Do you want me to wrap it up? the young woman asked, smiling again.

He nodded and she went to the office, to return with the package wrapped. He took it and left.

Since then, every day I visited the store and bought a disk. The girl always wrapped him, and he took it away and kept it in his closet. He was too shy to ask her out and, although he tried, he could not. His mother noticed and encouraged him, so the next day he armed himself with courage and went to the store. He bought a record and, as always, she went to wrap it up. He took the package and, while the girl was not looking at him, left his phone number on the counter and ran away.

The next day, he rang the house phone and the mother answered. It was the warehouse girl, asking about her son. The lady began to cry and said:

- You do not know? Died yesterday.

There was a prolonged silence, broken only by the mother's sobs. Days later, the lady entered her son's room. When he opened the closet, he came across lots of boxes of wrapping paper. As this caused him curiosity, he took one of the packages and sat on the bed to open it. In doing so, a small piece of paper came out of the plastic box. It was a note that said: "Hello, you are very handsome, do you want to go out with me?

With emotion, the mother opened another package, and another, and another, and in doing so found many notes; they all said the same thing in different words.

That's life: do not wait too long to tell someone special what you feel. Say it today: tomorrow may be too late.

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