the ring.

5 0 0

I come, master, because I feel so little that I do not have the strength to do anything. They tell me that I do not serve, that I do not do anything right, that I am clumsy and quite silly.

How can I improve? What can I do to make them value me more? '

The teacher without looking at him said:

When I feel like a boy, I can not help you, I have to solve my own problem first. Maybe later. And standing by he added:

If you would like to help me, I could solve this problem more quickly and then maybe I can help you.

Enchanted, master hesitated the young man, but felt that he was again

devalued, and their needs postponed.

Well, the teacher nodded.

He took off a ring on his little finger and gave it to the boy, he added: take the horse that is out there and ride

to the market I must sell this ring because I have to pay a debt.

It is necessary that you obtain for it the highest possible sum, but do not accept less than one gold coin. Go and return with that coin as fast as you can.

The young man took the ring and left. As soon as he arrived, he began offering the ring to the merchants.

They looked at him with some interest, until the young man said what

I was trying for the ring.

When the young man mentioned the gold coin, some laughed, others turned their faces and only an old man was kind enough to take the trouble to explain that a gold coin was very valuable to deliver in exchange for a ring.

In an effort to help, someone offered him a silver coin and a copper pot, but the young man was instructed not to accept less than a gold coin and rejected the offer.

After offering his jewel to every person who crossed the market, more than a hundred people, and dejected by his failure, he mounted his horse and returned.

How much the young man wished to have that gold coin himself, he could then have given it himself to the master to free him from his worry and then receive his advice and help.

Entered the room. Master said sorry, I could not get what you asked for. Maybe I could get two or three silver coins, but I do not think I can fool anyone about the true value of the ring.

How important what you said, young friend replied smiling the teacher.

We ought to first know the true value of the ring. Reassemble and go to the jeweler. Who better than him to know it? Tell him you want to sell the ring and ask how much he gives you, but no matter what he offers, do not sell it.

Come back here with my ring.

The young man rode again. The jeweler examined the ring in the light of the lamp with his magnifying glass, weighed it and then said:

Tell the teacher, boy, that if he wants to sell it now, I can not give him more than 58 gold coins for his ring.

58 COINS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The young man exclaimed

Yes, "replied the jeweler," I know that with time we could get about 70 coins for him, but I do not know ... if the sale is urgent ...

The young man ran excitedly to the teacher's house to tell him what happened.

Sit down, the teacher said after listening to him.

You are like this ring: a valuable and unique jewel.

And as such, only an expert can truly evaluate you.

What do you do for life, pretending that anyone discovers your true value?

And saying this, he put the ring back on his little finger.

Do not stop commenting if you have any doubts or questions. Thank you.

personal growth.( How to improve yourself in Live). Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora