a coffee and a smile.

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A brief history that allows us to understand that happiness is not a season of arrival, but a way of traveling ...

... I am the mother of three children of 14, 12 and 3 years old, and recently I finished my university career.

The last class I took was Sociology. The teacher was very inspired with the qualities that I wanted to see, with which each human being had been graceful.

His latest project was titled "SONRÍE". He asked the class to come out and smile to three people and document their reactions.

I am a very friendly person and I always smile at everyone and say "hello", so I thought this would be "a piece of cake", literally.

As soon as the project was assigned to us, my husband, my youngest son and I went to McDonald's on a cold March morning, it was the way to share a playtime with our son.

We were trained waiting to be taken care of, when all of a sudden they all fell back, even my husband. I did not move an inch and an overwhelming sense of panic enveloped me when I turned to see what was happening.

When I turned I noticed a horrible smell of "dirty body" and next to me, I saw that two poor men were standing; When I looked at the little man who was close to me, he smiled, his beautiful blue-sky eyes were filled with the light of God seeking acceptance.

He said "Good morning", while counting the few coins he brought. The second man was gesturing with his friend - I think he was mentally retarded - and the blue-eyed man was his salvation.

I held back the tears. The young dispatcher asked him what he wanted and he said: "Coffee, it's all, miss" because it was for the only thing they had, because if they wanted to sit in the restaurant to warm up a bit, they had to consume something.

Then, I really felt it, the impulse was very great, I almost reached the little man to embrace him, it was then that I felt all eyes on me, judging my action.

I smiled and asked the young dispatcher to give me two more breakfasts on a separate tray and walked to the table where the two men were seated, put the tray on her table and my hand on the little man's cold hand; He looked at me with tears in his eyes and said "Thank you!"

I leaned down patting his hand and said, "I did not do it for you, GOD is here acting through me to give you hope."

I started crying while walking to meet my husband and son. When I sat down, my husband smiled and said "That's why GOD gave you for me, honey, to give me hope".

We held hands for a moment and in that moment we knew the Grace with which we were blessed to be able to give.

I returned to the university during the last night class, with this story in hand. I handed in my project and the instructor read it, then she looked at me and asked "Can I share this?" ... I nodded slowly while she asked for the attention of the class.

He began to read and I realized that we, as human beings and being part of God, share this need to heal people and be healed. In my own way, I made it felt to the people at McDonald's, my husband, son, the teacher and every soul in the classroom, that last night as a student.

I graduated with one of the greatest lessons I have ever learned: UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE.

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