our decisions.

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Sometimes we make good and bad decisions. But both are the same.

You can not go through life taking decisions that you know are not favorable for you. But neither can you refuse to make decisions that are not good, I do not know if you understand me.

Sometimes we wish evil for a person and at the same time, we are doing it good. When someone wishes you evil, do not ask for it badly, ask what is good for him. Because our decisions can lead us to opposing decisions.

Life goes around a lot and you do not know who will give you a hand later on. We must make good and bad decisions, because both lead to the same action.

We are capable of changing the world in an instant. It can take years to build a friendship and only seconds to destroy it.

Our language is our downfall. Ask God to help you control your language. Because the language is treacherous.

I hope you become aware. And do things the way they are. You have the answer.

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