about cunning.

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An ancient legend tells that in the middle ages a very virtuous man was unjustly accused of having murdered a woman. Actually the true author was a very influential person of the kingdom and, therefore, from the first moment procured a scapegoat to cover the guilty.

The man was brought to trial, knowing that he would have few opportunities or none to escape the terrible verdict ... The gallows!

The judge, also in a conspiracy, took care, nevertheless, to give all the speculation of a fair trial, for that reason he said to the defendant: << Knowing your fame as a just man and a devotee of the Lord, let us leave it to your destiny. Let's write in two separate papers the words guilty and innocent, you will choose one of them and it will be the hand of God that decides your destiny >>.

Of course, the bad official had prepared two papers with the same GUILTY legend and the poor victim, even without knowing the details, realized that the system was a trap. There was no escape.

The judge ordered the name to take one of the folded papers. He breathed deeply, remained silent for a few seconds with his eyes closed and when the room began to get impatient he opened his eyes and with a strange smile took one of the papers and bringing it to his mouth swallowed it quickly.

Surprised and outraged. Those present reproached him angrily: << but, what did he do ?, and now? How are we going to know the verdict? >>.

<< It's very simple >>, the man replied. << It is a matter of reading the remaining paper and we will know what the person who swallowed said to me. >> with resentment and badly disguised anger they had to release the accused and they never bothered him again.

Be creative and when everything seems lost ... use your imagination!

It is the same as judging without having proof. Because to judge we must have concrete proofs. And no lack of confidence.

Next chapter (about the horse) is very good

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