about trust.

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They say that a mountaineer, desperate to conquer a snowy peak, began his journey. After years of preparation, but he wanted glory for himself, therefore, he went up without companions.

He started to climb and it was getting late, and later; and he did not prepare to camp, but decided to continue climbing. Determined to reach the top, it darkened him. The night fell with great heaviness in the height of the mountain, you could not see anything at all.

Everything was black, zero visibility, there were no moons and the stars were covered by clouds. Climbing up a cliff, just 100 meters from the top, it slipped and collapsed through the air ... it was falling at a dizzying speed, I could only see quick darker spots that passed through the same darkness and the terrible sensation of being sucked by gravity.

He kept falling ... and in those distressing moments all the pleasant and not so pleasant moments of his life went through his mind, he thought he was going to die, more, suddenly, he felt a very strong pull that almost broke him in two. ... if, like every experienced mountaineer, he had nailed security stakes with padlocks to a very long rope that tied him to the waist.

In those moments of stillness, suspended in the air, nothing remained but to shout;

<< help me, my God >>, << help me, my God >> ...

Suddenly a deep and deep voice from the heavens replied:

What do you want me to do?

Save me, my God >>

Do you really think I can save you? >>

<< of course, my God >>

<< Then cut the rope that holds you >>

There was a moment of silence and stillness. The man clung more to the rope and reflected ...

The rescue team says that the next day he found a frozen mountaineer, dead, holding on tightly, with his hands on a rope ... two meters above the ground ...

And you, how confident are you of that rope? Why do not you let go? God has great and wonderful things for you. Cut the rope, and trust him.

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