sleep paralysis.

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Have you ever felt that your body can not move during sleep, and that you want to move, call someone and it is impossible? Well let me tell you that what you feel while you sleep is called sleep paralysis.

The paralysis of the dream is a paranormal phenomenon, quasado by a called demon (incubos and sucubos).

It is said that while you sleep, that demon rests on people to have sex during deep sleep. Many say and affirm to have felt sexual pleasure during the paralysis of the dream and that when waking up they have ejaculated in itself.

The bad thing about sleep paralysis is that some people have been pregnant by this so-called dementium (incubos and sucubos) and that they have not found concrete answers to this paranormal phenomenon.

🎱Incubus and sucubus)

Among the many demons that sexually attack men and women, the incubos and succubi are the most fascinating, some terrible creatures that roam the world since the middle ages poisoning the mind, extracting the sexual and spiritual energy, demonizing, going crazy. terror and pleasure, even ending the lives of their victims, to send them to hell. Incubo: is a male-shaped demon that attacks women at night, in bed, while they sleep. The incubus is not necessarily attractive, since it does not seek to seduce, but to awaken the sexual instincts of its victim. According to the country, he is represented as a dwarf, as a tall and thin gentleman, as a handsome young man or even as a bird of fire, and always endowed with a huge member. It attends to different names, among which are zabulón, leviatán, belaam or alpiel efelios, it is supposed that the incubos and the succubi descend from the nephelines, that are fallen angels that engendered a degenerate race.

The incubation gets into the female mind and sows lust, causing wet dreams, deviated and exaggerated thoughts, to pervert it before attacking. After several nights of preparation, the incubus materializes and copulates with the woman in such wild intercourse that the victim melts between the many orgasms, sometimes between moments of lucidity that lead to horror. The next morning the woman does not remember anything, only that she has had a perverse, brutal and strange dream. In addition, she feels weak and despondent since the incubus has begun to steal her energy. The incubos attack all women, regardless of age, physical, marital status, whether they are sick or healthy, the only thing that matters to the incubus is that the victim has minimal energy to steal and feed on it, while their victim weakens progressively, even to death.

For now maybe it's crazy what I'll say. But to protect me from that phenomenon. Every night I read Psalm 91 and since then it has not happened.

I hope you get over that bad and strange feeling every night

personal growth.( How to improve yourself in Live). Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora