one ; giggles

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one ; ashton

  [1:27 a.m.]

    I watched her lips move with every word she spoke, her melodic voice filling my ears. I was seated on the carpeted floor of our—mine and Luke's—hotel room, watching a video for the second time already.

    She—Ella wasn't even trying to be funny, she was just being herself; I could tell. It was just a simple question and answer video, so it was weird as to how she managed to make me smile so widely; my cheeks had started to hurt a bit, actually.

    "Ashton, please shut up already," Luke said, his voice coming out muffled since his face was buried in his pillow. I ignored him, since I was silent; she was the one speaking. I let out a small laugh, which only resulted in a groan from Luke. "Ashton, please, I'm begging you to go to sleep," Luke pleaded, but I—once again—ignored him. 

    I did try to contain myself, not wanting to really annoy him, but it was just so hard. Without warning, another laugh made its way out of my lips, causing Luke to become completely annoyed. "Ashton, I swear you sound like a thirteen year old girl, all giggly and what not. Why can't you just go to sleep already?"

     I sighed, "Because I'm kinda in the middle of something, Luke. Now be quiet, she's talking." I turned my attention back to the screen, the beautiful girl coming back to sight. 

    "Who's talking?" Luke asked. Even in the dark I could see him lift up his head to look over to me.

    "Only the funniest girl on Earth; Ella," I smiled.

    "Who the hell is Ella?" Luke asked annoyed, causing me to roll my eyes. I got up from my spot on the floor and made my way towards the bed, then taking a seat next to Luke. He lifted his head up, resting it on the palm of his hand, his eyes struggling to stay open.

     "This is Ella." I pointed to the screen of my laptop, which had a video that I had paused. 

   "She's hot," Luke said sleepily, causing me to feel a slight sting of jealousy. Wait, what? No, Ashton, you can't be jealous over someone you've never even met. I shook my head, turning my attention back to Luke. "Put play," he said, his hand already moving to do so. 

   "Okay, but stop being touchy," I smacked his hand away. I would've started the video where I left off, but Luke forced me to start the whole thing from the beginning. The video started to play, making us go silent. We watched as she greeted her viewers before she tweeted them, asking for them to tweet her questions.

   'Okay, question numero uno; who is your favorite from Five Seconds of Summer? Um, that's a hard one, well, let me think.'

    "Bet you it's me," Luke tried to say, but started to yawn mid-sentence. I laughed at him, because he couldn't be more wrong.

    'They're all talented, funny, and overall amazing, but I think I am going to have to go with Ashton.'

    "Too bad we didn't bet," I laughed. He just muttered a 'whatever' before yawning again. Both of us stayed quiet for the rest of the video, which I was watching for the third time, already. Once the video was over, I turned to see that Luke had fallen asleep, making me realize I should do the same, since we had to be up in less than five hours if we wanted to catch our flight. 

  [6:19 a.m.] 

    "I'm going to miss California so much," Calum spoke, breaking the silence of the car. I nodded, not in the mood to even talk since I had only gotten, like, two hours of sleep. I had spent hours, tossing and turning, my mind racing with thoughts half of the night—or morning. 

    "What did you guys do last night? It looks as if you guys got no sleep at all," Michael said, looking at both Luke and me. I turned to my side; Luke's head was rested on my shoulder, his eyes shut and his mouth open as he snored lightly. Feeling bad that it had been my fault that he was that tired, I had let him use me as his personal pillow.

    Turning my attention back to Michael, I shrugged, "Couldn't sleep."

   "What about you, Luke." Michael looked at him, but Luke maintained his eyes closed. It was obvious that Luke was asleep, but Michael wanted an answer, since he found it weird. I couldn't blame him, though, considering Luke and I had retreated to our hotel room early last night.

    "Luke!" Michael said a bit loudly, causing Luke to shoot up, but only to fall back into his seat. His eyes were wide open, his breathing was rapid, and he looked quite frightened.

    "What happened?"

    Calum and Michael looked at each other and started laughing, if I wasn't so tired I probably would've been laughing too. "Nothing, mate. I was just asking why you guys were so tired," Michael finally said, once he had controlled his laughter.

    "Well, Ashton wouldn't stop giggling over Emma and then spent the rest of the night tossing and turning," Luke said sleepily, as he sat back on his seat, his eyes struggling to stay open. 

    I let out a sigh, "It's Ella; her name is Ella, Luke."

    "Whatever. He was giggling over some girl on YouTube," he told Michael and Calum. 

    "You were giggling over a girl?" Calum asked, causing me to roll my eyes. 

    "I wasn't giggling," I replied, using air quotes when I said giggling, "I was laughing 'cause she's really funny." 

    "Can I see a video?" Michael asked. I nodded, struggling to take out my phone from my pocket. Once I had clicked on one of her videos, I gave Michael my phone. Calum moved closer to Michael, so he could also get a look.

    "She's okay; she didn't make me giggle, but that's probably 'cause I'm too punk rock. What'd you think, Calum?" Michael finally spoke after the video was over. I almost laughed at his reply, but then I didn't because he had called Ella 'okay'. God, Ashton, what is wrong with you?

    Calum shrugged, "Got to admit, she is funny and kinda hot. How did you find her videos?" Calum asked, his voice filled with curiosity. "I've never heard of her before."

   "Well, after she said I was her favorite out of the four of us, fans started to tweet me about her. One tweet caught my attention and yeah," I told them, my eyes struggling to stay open. 

    "So what's her Twitter?" Michael asked, a smirk on his lips.

    "Why do you want to know; hope you're not interested in her," I told him quickly, sleep being the last thing I was thinking about now. 

    "No, I'm just curious, no need to be jealous," Michael laughed.

    "I'm not jealous, okay. I was just saying," I lied. I knew it was weird to be a bit jealous over a stranger, but it was just something I couldn't control. 

    "Okay," Calum laughed, but didn't say anything else.

    The rest of the drive was quiet, which gave me a lot of time to think; about a lot of things, but mostly about her. I couldn't stop thinking about  her smile, her eyes, her voice, her laugh; her. It was so weird to me how someone as awkward and weird—her words, not mine—as her had captivated my thoughts with just a simple video. Ella was definitely something especial and I definitely wanted to know more about her; and hopefully, nothing would get in my way of doing so.  

© 2014 -ziam-

a/n: i'm so excited for this, like, i have so many things planned. hopefully you guys like it, cuz i know im not the best at writing.

dedicated to @moaningluke cause she's so fab and omg she commented yay!!

 please, vote, comment and all that good stuff.

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