four ; awkward

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four ; ashton

  [1:49 p.m.] 

    I groaned in frustration, stomping out of the bathroom, annoyed. Michael, who was laying on my bed, looked up from his phone, looking confused at my small outburst. "What's wrong?" he asked, sitting up to look at me. I rolled my eyes, walking towards my bed in silence. I took a seat next to him, groaning once again. 

    "It's just-it's just that Ella and I are supposed to Skype today and I just can't get my hair right. It's being so bitchy today," I sighed, bringing my hands up to cover my face. Ella and I had been talking for almost a week now and it had been great. But yesterday we had agreed on Skyping today and I just couldn't control my nerves. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night, just thinking about how today would go.

    "Are you serious?" I turned to look at Michael and nodded. He broke into a fit of laughter, causing me to frown. What was so funny? I shook my head at him, getting up from the bed, still frowning. Feeling mad, I glared at him for being such a dick. 

    "Why are you laughing? It's not even funny!" I exclaimed, making my way back to the bathroom. I made sure to slam the door just so Michael knew I was mad at him. Looking at the mirror, I frowned at my hair, which looked like it usually did—which was the problem since 'usual hair' was not working for me today.

    "Ashton, I'm sorry. Look, I'll make it up to you; I'll help you with your hair," Michael said on the other side of the door, knocking lightly. I wasn't going to let him in, but then I realized we had agreed to Skype at two and I only had ten minutes until then. 


    "Hi," I waved at her, "or hey," I laughed. Mentally face-palming myself, I smiled. I really wasn't going to say that, but it sorta just slipped out of my mouth since I was so nervous at the moment.

   "Hi," she laughed, one of the most beautiful laughs I had ever heard. We were silent for what seemed like hours but in reality they were only minutes. We had talked about so much this past week and now it seemed as if we had nothing to say. 

    "So, how are you?" I finally asked, breaking the silence that was slowly eating me up. 

    "Uh, I'm good. You?"

    "I'm good too. I saw your new video; it was really good," I told her, causing her to smile widely at me. 

    "Cool, cool. Um, I'm sorry I'm, like, really awkward, but I did warn you in advance, though. Like, I don't even know why, like, I'm just naturally awkward I guess. But then again, like, I talked to you a lot; through messages, though. Just realized I used like a lot, sorry. I usually do this when I'm nervous, like, really nervous. I shouldn't be nervous, right? Oh God, why am I still talking? Ashton, please say something," she rambled on, which I thought was so cute. I laughed and nodded.

    "If you're awkward then I'm awkward, too. Hey, we can be awkward together," I laughed, she laughed along with me. 

  [2:35 p.m.]

    We talked for only a bit, since we couldn't with the awkward moments. Although we only talked for about thirty minutes—half of the time being filled with awkwardness—we did discuss a lot. Sometimes I would break the silence and sometimes she would. I told her about how once we were done touring Australia—which we would be in three weeks—we would be going to our LA house. Part of me denied the fact that the reason I wanted to to move to LA was because of her, but the other part was positive that she was the reason. Even Calum had asked me if she was the reason. I had denied it, of course, with the excuse that Ella didn't even live in LA (which she din't, she lived in Sacramento as a matter of fact).

    I was deep in  thought, when I felt something—rather someone—heavy land on me. Michael. "So, how did it go?" Michael asked, his hot breath hitting the back of my neck, his body still on mine. 

    "Yeah, we want to know," Calum said next to me, causing Luke to agree. I groaned, waiting for Michael to get off of me. 

    "I can't tell you with Michael on top of me," I tried to say but it was muffled because my face was almost buried in my pillow.

    "Michael, get off him; he's sick!" Luke shouted. Michael got off, a confused look on his face. I was confused, too. I knew for a fact that I wasn't sick. Or was I?

    "Sick?" Michael and I asked in unison.

    "Yeah; loooove sick," Luke laughed, Calum and Michael soon joining him. I rolled my eyes at them, burying my head in my pillow for a few seconds. I turned so I was laying on my back and turned to look at them, all of them still laughing.

     "Not even," I told him, looking up at the ceiling.

    "Yes even!" he argued with me.

    "Yeah, you wuv her," Calum laughed, causing me to groan.

    "Shut up!"

    "Aw, it was love at first video!" Michael squealed. I was now annoyed, but they continued to say that I was in 'love' with Ella (which I wasn't). They also mentioned something about me being 'whipped' (which I wasn't). Finally, after much teasing, I got them to leave me.

    I most certainly was not in love, I hadn't even met her, for God's sake. I laid back on my bed, staring up at the ceiling, thinking about things—such as our tour.

    from ella:

    sorry today's skype didn't go as planned. i promise that when we meet, it won't be that awkward.

    to ella:

    don't apologize. i'm sure it won't. i'm really looking forwards to meeting you, ella.

    from ella:

    me too.

    My eyes started closing slowly, sleep coming to me. I had slept really, really late last night and woken up early, so it was no shocker when sleep took over me.

  [3:15 p.m.]

    My nap wasn't that long but it helped a whole lot. I felt well rested and decided to go on Twitter. I replied to some fans and the went to Ella's profile; it was just so tempting.

    'people that know me in real life know just how awkward i am.'

    I decided to tweet her something.

    '@itsella i think your awkwardness may be rubbing off on me.'

    Soon, I was getting plenty of mentions about Ella. Some were asking if we were dating. So were saying that we were dating. And, of course, some were just asking for follows. I followed a few more people and then made my way out of my room, my stomach being in need of food.

    I went back on Twitter, only to find a new tweet from Ella that said:

    'no guys @Ashton5SOS and i are just friends. we're not dating. don't jump to conclusions too fast.'

    I tried to ignore the slight feeling of disappointment I was feeling, but I couldn't. It was just there, demanding to be felt. Sighing, I tweeted her something quickly:

    'funny how people just assume stuff, right? @itsella.'

    I was about to place my phone down, not feeling like using it for a while, when I received a text from Ella. At any other moment, I would've replied in a heartbeat, but I just couldn't bare myself to do so now. I also received another message; from someone else.

    from michael:

    she just so friend zoned you, dude. i'm sorry:(

    to michael:

    yeah, i'm sorry too.


© 2014 -ziam-

a/n: vote and comment for a cookie. xx

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