six ; youtubers

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six ; ashton

  [3:36 p.m.]

    "Luke, I'm scared," I said into the phone, wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans. 

    "Are you kidding me? Why?" I let out a sigh, shrugging to myself. Why was I nervous? Oh that's right, I was meeting Ella for the first time. After so long, I was finally going to meet her and it was making me really nervous (and scared).

    "Because the driver just said we're going to be there in five minutes. Maybe I should just turn back—"

    "Yeah right. Listen, you are not going to do such thing, okay? You're going to go all the way to her house and meet her. Besides, it's just one afternoon; we'll be there tomorrow," Luke said, his words (sorta) calming me down. I nodded, even if he couldn't see me.

    "Okay. Luke, I'm ready," I lied, I so was not ready. Letting out a sigh, I hung up on Luke and looked out my window. Nothing looked familiar to me, which was totally understandable since I had never been here before. Closing my eyes, I tried to calm down my nerves, my palms still sweaty.

    The car came to stop, causing my eyes to snap open. I slowly got off the car, but didn't try to walk towards the house. I kept telling myself that I could do it, even if I knew I couldn't. Breath after breath, my nerves still remained with me.

    A couple of minutes went by before I finally decided that I was being a coward and I started to walk towards the front door. A few more minutes went by before I finally got the guts to ring the doorbell. 

    The door didn't open for what felt like hours, and for every second that went by, the idea of me running back to the car ran through my head. Finally, the door slowly started to open, revealing the girl that I had been dying to see for so long; Ella. 

    "Ashton!" She was quick to jump onto me, her arms wrapping around me tightly. She took me by surprise, which was why it took me a couple seconds to hug her back. I think we stayed hugging for a few minutes (it could've only been seconds, but who cares), before we finally pulled away and she invited me to come in. "Mom, Ashton is here!" 

    I could feel my, already dry, palms sweat again. I was meeting her mom? Ashton, calm down; she's just a normal person. I tried to calm myself down, but it was hard with Ella standing so close to me. I still couldn't get over the fact that she was standing right next to me.

    "Ashton? It's nice to finally meet you," a woman—who I assumed was Ella's mom—said, before she came into view. I smiled at her, but started to freak out once she neared me. I extended my hand out for her to shake, but she went for a hug. It was a tight hug, which caught me way by surprise. "I can't believe you're actually real; I thought my dear Ella was lying to me."


    "What honey? I'm just being honest. Anyways, it's a pleasure to have someone as handsome as you in our home." I didn't know what to say, so I maintained silent. 

    "Mom! Stop it; or I'm telling dad," Ella said, causing me to smile. 

    "I'm not doing anything wrong, but fine, I'll stop. But first, do you think you can sign my—"


    "What? I just want him to sign my shirt." 

    Before I could sign anything, I was pulled away by Ella, who lead me upstairs. "I am so sorry about her, she never got over her 'fangirl' phase," she joked, causing me to smile at her.

    "It's okay, it is always nice to meet a fan," I joked. 


    "Isn't today Saturday?" I asked Ella, biting down on a slice of pizza. 

    "Uh, yeah," she said, as she continued to eat. 

    "And don't you make your videos on Saturdays?"

    "Well, yeah, but you were coming so I decided I could just do it tomorrow or some other time," she shrugged. 

    "Can I be in it?" Excitement took over me. Sometimes, I would imagine what it felt like to be a youtuber (it was something I wanted to do).

    "Of course.  Do you want to record it today?" I quickly nodded, placing the last of my slice of pizza in my mouth. 

    After we had finished our pizza, I watched her set everything out, while I just stood off to the side. Ten minutes later, she started recording, but told me to wait for my introduction. 

    "Hello, guys; welcome to another Saturday with Ella! Yay! So, if you've been subscribed to me for a while now, you know that every four weeks, you guys get to dare me to do anything, right? Well, there was this dare that stood out to me, and I am going to go for it. And also, I have a special guest that is going to help me with it. Here, with me today—drumroll please—is my good friend, Ashton Irwin."

    I made my way towards her slowly, and then I took a seat next to her on the bed. "Hi guys," I said, waving at the camera. 

    "So the dare was to make my video while my face was covered in peanut butter, now, just know that I hate peanut butter, so this will be harder that it sounds. Here, my friend," she said, handing me the peanut butter. 

    I started to spread peanut butter all over her face, which required for us to be extremely close. Our lips were so close that it took everything in me to contain myself from kissing her. God, her lips were so irresistible. When I was done, instead of moving away from her, I stayed looking into her eyes. Her breath was hot on my lips, and not kissing her was so hard. 

     "Lets get back to the video, shall we?" She broke the silence, turning to look back at the camera. 

     "Yeah, of course."

© 2014 -ziam-

a/n: so, i haven't updated in ages and im so sorry, but school started so yeah blame school. anyways, if anyone is still reading this, please vote and comment. thank you. xx

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