seventeen ; bae

847 68 19

seventeen ; ella

  [4:08 p.m.]

    "and then he slipped on a banana peel! Ella, who the hell slips on a banana peel?that only happens in cartoons," Asthon spoke, giggling as he continued to tell me the story about how they had been playing hide and seek in the house, and Michael had slipped on a banana peel that Luke had dropped on the ground. I joined in on the laughter, imagining red-haired Michael slipping and falling to the ground. 

    "Is he okay, though?" I asked after my laughter had calmed down. Sitting on my bed, I flipped through one of my mom's magazine. 

    "Yeah—" he had said through his laughter, "—he even got up all by himself."

    "You guys didn't help him?" Gasping dramatically, I asked him. In the few months that I had known Ashton and the other boys, this wasn't really a shock, seeing it as they were the kind of friends to laugh for hours instead of helping you up when you fell. 

    "Well, no—we were too busy laughing." I rolled my eyes at his response, a small smile on my lips. God, I missed him so much. It had been a bit over a month since I had last seen him—he had visited me before they were off to England for their tour. "—don't you think?"

    I was snapped back to reality by Ashton's voice, not catching the entire question. "What was that?"

    "Never mind," Ashton spoke, causing me to groan playfully.

    "Ashton, tell me," I dragged out the word 'me', hearing as Ashton chuckled at me. 

    "All I said was that I missed you and that it sucked to be away from you. Like seriously, I've only seen you, like, three times in the two months that we have been dating."

   "I miss you too. But on the bright side, I'm seeing you in a week," I told him. Realization seemed to hit him, which I found hilarious.

    "Wait, wait, wait. A week! Holy shit, that's seven days, Ella! How could I forget?"

    "Yeah, how could you?" I joked, but he ignored me, rambling on about how I was going to enjoy the show so much and that 'not to brag or anything but he was pretty good at drumming' (which, believe me, I knew). Our conversation was cut short when Ashton had to leave to 'attend some important business'.

    "I'll call you later, babe. Bye." And he was gone. 

  [3:59 p.m.]

    Three days. In three days I would be seeing my favorite drummer after so long and I couldn't be happier than I was at that moment. Hugging my pillow (yes I was wasting my day on my bed, watching Netflix—sue me), I sighed happily, closing my eyes for a brief second.

   "Good morning, Ella," Julie's annoying, sarcastic voice caused my eyes to snap open. There she stood, wearing a wide smile on her face, phone in hand.

   "I'm tired," I groaned, using it as an excuse as to why I was in bed this late (besides, no one needed to know that I had just woken up an hour ago).

    "You always are. By the way, you're the worst best friend ever, like, I didn't even get a hello."

   "Hello, how are you, Julie? Oh, you're leaving already? Sad. See you later, then," I spoke sarcastically, causing her to push me lightly as she took a seat next to me on the bed.

    "I'm fine, thanks for asking. So, what are we watching?" 

    "Just some American Horror Story," I told her, sitting up as I realized she was going to stay.

    "Ooh, bae Evan."

    "No, we decided this—your bae was Dylan, mine was Evan."

    "Yeah, but we also decided that Ashton was my bae and Michael was yours." Julie smirked at me, causing me to laugh at that. 

    "Fine," I said, shaking my head as I smiled, then I turned to look at my television. 


    "You know what would be really cool?"

    "What?" I asked, not taking my attention away from the screen.

    "If you made me some popcorn, like the nice friend you are," she smiled at me

     Groaning and cursing under my breath, I got up from my comfortable bed (I wasn't going to bother, but I now felt like eating some popcorn) and headed towards the kitchen. 

    "You're welcome," I said, walking back into the room. 

    "Uh, yeah. Thanks," Julie spoke, locking her phone right away. 

   After a while went by, and Julie seemed a bit quiet, I realized that something was wrong. "What's wrong, Julie?"

    "I, uh, nothing," she stuttered, not looking at me. Shaking my head at her (she was a terrible liar—always had been), I continued to ask her, again, she maintained quiet. After much bothering, she sighed and it looked as if she had finally given up on her silence.

    "Okay, so there's no way I can keep you from Twitter—or the internet forever..." she trailed off and I urged her to continue. "Ashton is trending on Twitter—"

    "Okay," I laughed, not seeing anything odd. 

    "Oh my God, I don't want to ruin your day," she spoke, causing my smile to fade. That was when I realized that there was something really wrong. 

    "What is it?"

    "I—he—," she started to say, but wasn't making any progress at answering me. "Well, there's this picture on Twitter—it could be fake—and it looks really bad," she finished, causing me to wonder what she was talking about. 

    "Can I see the picture," I asked her, trying to stay calm. Many things were going through my head and I was hoping that it wasn't nearly as bad as I was imagining it to be. I waited for Julie to find the picture, think happy thoughts. Evan Peters. Puppies. Evan Peters with puppies.


    And sadly, the picture did not calm my nerves and yes, it was bad and I couldn't help the feeling I felt in my chest. Betrayal. 

    'Ashton with some girl last night.'

    The picture was a bit blurry, but there was no doubt that it was Ashton with some girl. His hands were placed on her waist, hers around his neck. Their faces were too close, almost as if they had been kissing. I read the replies, all of them wondering who that girl was. There was one tweet that stood out to me: 'is that his rumored gf????'

    And maybe it was a good thing that we hadn't told anyone about our relationship (aside from Julie, the guys, and my parents), because I don't think I would've been able to deal with the attention on me at this moment. I expected myself to cry—wasn't that what you were supposed to do?—but I didn't. I was shocked, hurt, and disappointed. But even when my eyes believed what they saw, there was still a part of me that gave me hope. It told me that there was more—an explanation to the picture, and I sure as hell wanted to hear it.

© 2014 -ziam-

a/n: had to add some drama cuz why not? 

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[ dedicated to @Lostbxyirwin for being a rad person and awesome reader ]

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