three ; texts

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three ; ella 

   [9:10 a.m.]

    What better way to start off my day than with a good morning text (even if it was a goodnight text, I decided to take it as a good morning one). I sat up, stretching my hands out like they did on TV. Yawning, I made a very—inhuman—loud noise and then got out of bed.

    The distant sound of cabinets being opened and closed could be heard as I made my way towards the kitchen. Not finding it weird—even if I knew my parents were at work—since I already knew who it was.

    "Look who's finally up," Julie, my best—and pretty much only—friend said. She looked as if she had given up on finding whatever she was looking for, seeing that she was seated on the counter, phone in hand.

    "It's only nine," I defended, making my way towards one of the cabinets. After grabbing the box of cereal and the milk—from the fridge, obviously—, I sat down. "So, what are you doing here so early?"

    "I was bored," she shrugged, jumping off the counter and making her way towards me. She took a seat, smiling at me. "Also, I just wanted to tell you that I think Ashton may be interested in me," she said, her last words sounding as more of a squeal.

    "What do you mean?" I asked her, slightly confused. She clapped her hands together almost as if saying 'story time!'.

    "Okay, so you know how you got me an Ashton follow?" she started. "Well, afterwards we talked and I think he was flirting with me," she squealed. I smiled—what else was I going to do?—, seeing as she went back to looking down at her phone. "Do you want to read the messages?"

    "Okay," I said, waiting for her to show them to me. Once she found them, she gave me her phone. They had, indeed, talked, but only through four measly DMs.

    'thank you for following me. i love you so much.'

    'it was no problem.'

    'thank you for the reply, omg you have no idea how freaking much i love you.'


    And that had been it. I was kinda disappointed for Julie, seeing that her inner fangirl had taken over and had not allowed her to see that Ashton hadn't even tried flirting. I smiled at her, though, nodding as I handed her phone back.


    "So, yeah. That's cool," I smiled, returning back to my bowl of cereal. I felt slightly guilty at the fact that I hadn't told Julie about Ashton asking me for my number. There would be a time when I would tell her, though, and there were two possible outcomes. She would either be really happy at the fact that Ashton and I had eachother's numbers and possibly even congratulate me. Or she would make sure to sacrifice my soul and feed me to her chihuahua.

    I'm positive there was no in between.

    "I know, right?" Her smile seemed to grow, while mine seemed to become faker, though. We ate—well, I ate, she was on her phone—in silence, which was odd. Knowing Julie for so long, there was something you really didn't get a lot and that was peace and quiet. Once done eating, I washed the dishes and took my phone out. 

  [5:17 p.m.]

    from ashton:

    good morning or afternoon. how was your day???

    To say that it didn't make me smile to know that he had just woken up and thought of me would be a lie. I knew I was smiling a bit to wide and apparently it was way too noticeable. "Why are you smiling like that," Julie spoke. I was startled at first; she was on her phone so it was shocking that she was even paying any attention to me. 

    "It's nothing. I just like to smile," I told her—not necessarily a lie, just not the truth. 

    to ashton:

    it's good afternoon over here, but good morning to you. how did you sleep?? my day was okay, a bit boring.

    I laid back on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I waited for his reply, not noticing as Julie stared directly at me, knowing I was hiding something from her. She finally shook it off and went back to her phone. 

    from ashton:

    i slept good. why was it boring?

    to ashton:

   it just was. me and julie, my friend,  spent it at my house doing nothing. 

   from ashton:

    the day is not over i betjkgosaklf

    I looked a the text with my eyebrow raised, trying to make sense to it. What was it meant to say? Before sending a text to ask what he had meant, I received one from him, instead.

   from ashton:

    sorry about that. calum and michael tried to take the phone away from me and ended up pressing random keys. ugh, they are so annoying.

    to ashton:

    tell them i said hi.

    He took longer to reply, allowing me to go to the kitchen and make some popcorn for the movie Julie was going to decide on. On my way back to my room, I received a text. 

    from ashton:

    they said hi, too. they also said they wanted to talk to you, but i'll spare you the pain of getting into group messaging with these guys (they will annoy you so bad that you'll want to rip your hair out.)

    I laughed at his message, causing Julie to look at me. "I'm not crazy, I swear."

    "Whatever," she rolled her eyes, turning her attention back to the television.

    to ashton:

    i bet they're not that bad. my friend is making me watch a movie now. talk to you later?

   from ashton:

    believe me, they are sooooo annoying. okay, enjoy your movie. sure, i'll be waiting.

    I spent two hours watching a movie that never caught my interest, for all I wanted to do was to get back to talking with Ashton. I spent two long hours doing absolutely nothing but lay on my bed and watch other people have more fun than me. Even when the movie was over, Julie insisted we 'just talk, and forget about technology for a sec'. It was one of the longest days of my life, with Julie not leaving until it was way past midnight. Even though I really wanted to talk to Ashton, I decided that maybe it was time for me to go to bed, after all, sleep had always been stronger than me. 

© 2014 -ziam-

a/n: hiiiiii. please vote and comment. xxx

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