five ; wattpad

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five ; ashton

    [3:00 a.m.]

    I turned to the left, letting out a groan of frustration as I did so. Okay, if I fall asleep now, I'll get six hours of sleep. Okay, sleep! Damn, that's not working. Sleep had been something that I seemed to be getting a small dose of lately. Usually, while on tour, I would be the first to pass out, but lately I've stayed up quite late. Most of the times it was because of Ella—due to the time difference—, and other times it was simply because sleep was a bully and didn't like me.

    Grabbing my phone, I unlocked it and opened up the Twitter app. Lately, I had been spending a bit too much on it, doing some major creepingTwitter was a place to find weird stuff, I mean, like, really weird. One weird thing that I found out about was how hard our fans shipped Luke and I; there was even fanfiction. Someone tweeted a link, I think, and I was curious so I clicked on it. It led me to a place called Wattpad?, I'm not sure. But, in the end, I came to the conclusion that Luke and I would make a cute couple, too bad I'm straight. 

     Now, this part, I wasn't too proud of. I soon found myself looking for a fanfiction of Ella and I (it's weird, I know!), which I couldn't find. I did find a one-shot (the name still confuses me), it told me to read at my own risk, and so I did. And now, I felt really, really bad. And weird.

    After a while, my eyes struggled to stay awake, so I soon found myself drifting off into a much needed sleep.

    "Ashton! It's you!" Ella wrapped her arms around my neck, her lips placing a soft kiss on my cheek. I was surprised, so it took me a while to catch on and hug her back. My arms found their way around her waist, hugging her back tightly. 

    "I can't believe we're finally meeting," I whispered in her ear, with her still in my arms. I wasn't sure if I heard her right, but I'm sure I heard her say a simple 'me neither'. 

    We slowly pulled away from each other, her eyes meeting mine for the first time ever. Her breath hit my lips, the distance between us being short and could easily be closed. A voice in my head told me to kiss her, I wanted to kiss her.

    While debating whether to close the space or not, I felt her lips on mine; her soft lips. Our lips moved along together, as if they were meant to be together. We continued the kiss, each second that passed, the kiss became more heated.

     With her legs wrapped around my waist, she told me her room was upstairs. One by one, I climbed the steps, careful not to drop her (which I almost did, twice). Once in her room, her hands were pulling at my hair, causing me to moan.

    "Ashton, there's pancakes!" A voice, very similar to Luke's, spoke, causing us to pull away. I followed the voice to Ella's bed and sure enough, there laid Luke, smirking at me. "Ashton wake up!"

    "What?" I asked, looking down at Ella.

    "You're dreaming, silly. Now, wake up."

  [10:39 a.m.]

     "Fuck off, Luke; I'm dreaming—I mean, sleeping," I changed my answer. I turned away from Luke, who was sitting on my bed, as I buried my face into my pillow. Luke moved, and soon enough he was on top of me. 

    "Michael is going to eat all of them and you're gonna be crying," Luke informed me, smirking at me before he got off and headed out of my room. 

    After Luke's departure, one thought came to my head: holy fucking shit, I almost had a wet dream about Ella.

    After having breakfast, I went back up to my room, looking for my phone. I also had to look for some clothes, since Michael had the idea of going out, since we couldn't spend all day inside. Unlocking my phone, I saw there was a text from Ella. 

    from ella:

    heyyy. okay, so do you like pizza, because there's this place that opened downtown and i was thinking that maybe we could go there when you come and visit me next week (btw the pizza there is, like, from heaven)

   to ella:

    who doesn't like pizza? that sounds good. (michael will probably want to tag along, though).

    from ella:

     okay then. yay! and that's okay, i really want to meet the rest of the boys.

   to ella:

    it's a date then:)

    I sent the text, not think about it too much. Once I saw there was not reply, I did freak out a bit. Oh God, of course it's not a date. 

    from ella:

    okay:) can't wait!

    I let out a sigh in relief before opening up my Twitter app (I think I may have a problem), deciding to tweet something. 

    'had the weirdest dream last night. Luke was in it.'

    With that, I went off to change for out little day out. Whilst I was showering, the text I had sent Ella kept running through my head. She had called it a date; I was going to go on a date with Ella and I couldn't be more nervous. 


© 2014 -ziam-

a/n: i can't wait for them to finally see each other for the first time!!

(btw #lashtonforlyfe lol)

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