fourteen ; airports

463 51 7

fourteen ; ashton

  [7:39 a.m.]

    Coward. The word that completely (and absolutely) described me, continued to play in my head, as I was laying on my bed. Fuck, I'm such and idiot. I turned to my side to face the empty spot (Ella could've been laying theremaybe), sighing I thought back to a few nights ago. Back to when Ella and I were standing outside her hotel room and I was about to tell her how I felt about her. I thought back to my horrible lie (I told her that I had to do something else and that I wasn't going to be able to spend the next day with her. So my stupid self had gotten me out from spending an entire day with Ella).

    Now, Ella would be returning home today and in a few hours I would be taking her to the airport (the guys wanted to go too, but I had forced them to stay). I sighed and my hand began to feel around for my phone, which had magically disappeared from the spot it had last been—underneath my pillow. After a quite lengthy search, I found my phone and was quick to unlock it.

    from ella:

    what is fanfiction and why is everyone telling me to read it?

    from ella:


    from ella:


    from ella:


    from ella:


    from ella:

    this has been an eventful night for me

    By the time that I was done reading all of her messages, I was rolling around in my bed, laughing like a fucking maniac. Her reaction had been way more hilarious than it should've been and it had honestly just made my day. The messages had been sent late last night (at around one in the morning). 

    to ella:


   to ella:

    was it good????

    I made my way towards the bathroom, deciding to take a shower so I could go and pick up Ella for breakfast. (I really wanted to take advantage of the little time we had left together.)

    from ella:

    i didn't read it. i couldn't make it to the second page since i was laughing too hard. (and apparently i have a foot fetish??)

    Laughing, I shook my head at her silliness. I locked my phone, placing it by the sink before I slid my boxers down my legs. 

     "Don't you think these days went by fast?" Ella asked, taking a sip of her coffee. Having my mouth full, I just nodded at her. 

    "Yeah, they did," I finally answered, a small laugh coming out of Ella when a small piece of food made its way out of my mouth . 

    Breakfast went by a bit slow, which was great for me since I didn't want that moment to end. It had been great to finally have some alone time with her (I had left the house before Michael, Calum, and Luke had woken up, since I really didn't want them to tag along—evil, I know). And after we left the small cafe, we took a long walk around a park that was close by (and I was really enjoying this time with her—it made me feel normal). 

    "You wanna hear something hilarious?" Ella asked as we took a seat on one of the park benches. I nodded, urging her to continue. "Okay, so back in high school, there was this girl..." She went on about how there had been a girl who had made—or had tried to make—her life miserable. It made me smile to see that Ella had not given negative people the satisfaction of seeing her sad. 

    "So yesterday she called me and she was all like: "Ella, hi! How are you, friend? She called me her friend, Ashton, like, just no. I almost virtually punched her, to be honest," Ella told me, causing me to break out laughing at the imitation of this chick, who she seemed to hate (and maybe I had started to hate her just a little bit, too). Soon, we were both laughing loudly. 

  [2:34 p.m.]

    "I'm going to miss you too, Michael," Ella said, her embrace with Michael being tight and long. I felt like breaking them apart, but that would just be a total dick move (and besides, it would make my feelings too obvious). Luke and Calum had already said their goodbyes to Ella and were just standing there, sadness all over their faces. I was also just standing there, really wanting to give Ella a hug. 

     "I'm going to miss you all," Ella told us, her eyes watery (I felt this weird pain in my chest seeing just how sad she was). "I wish you could all come with me to the airport."

    "We do too, but Ash—er—we, uh, have stuff to do?" Luke almost made it too obvious that I had told them that they had to stay.  


    These were my last seconds with Ella and I really, really was dreading her departure. Sighing, I turned to look at her. After a minute of walking (and silence), it hit me; Ella lived hours away from me and it would be impossible to see her for months, with our upcoming tour and all. It is now or never, Ashton.



    "I-I need to tell you something," I spoke, some of my confidence leaving my body as fast as it could, and I could feel myself backing down once again. You got this, I tried to get myself to continue. "Ella, I've got feelings for you," I said it as fast as I could, not wanting to keep it in any longer.


   "I really like you, Ella. Like, like you," I said, probably sounding like a small kid who was confessing his love to a girl. Ella's mouth remained sealed, and as the seconds went by I started to regret my decision more and more. 

    "I-I have to go."

   And she was gone.

© 2014 -ziam-


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