Chapter 2

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I cry
I scream
The hatred took over
Help me... Save me...
Am I going to survive this far?


Naruto's POV
It's been 2 years and I'm still alive. I'm now 9 years old. Through the years, I've been cutting myself with a kunai. I feel pain but I've got used to it now. I don't really care if people beat me up. I just want to die but... For some reason... I can't. Kurama keeps saying that I should continue living until the day I die or something like that.

And it's been a while since I talked to Kurama. I'm really glad to see him and talk to him again. It makes me feel... A little happy, and a little less lonely.

"Hey kit."

'Heh. Hey Kurama. It's been a while.'

"I know, I know. How do you feel when your still here?"


"Hey... Don't say that. I'm sure someone would care for you someday."

'No they won't. Everyone just torture me and ignore me like I'm not in this world. Even my friends ignore me like I'm an invisible friend... They never want me to hangout with them either...'

"Why won't you just fight them back?"

'I don't wanna hurt anyone. I don't wanna kill them too. I just want to leave them alone and leave, that's all.'

"So? Who cares? You can fight all you want."

'I don't wanna. I don't want to be a burden to them all. I just want to leave them alone.'

"It's ok kit. At least I'm here with you."

I smiled at him and thanked him. 'Arigato, Kurama.'

"No prob kit." He replied back with a smile.

We both stopped our conversation and I walked to my house. I opened the door and went to my room. As I got in my room, I jumped on the bed with my face on my pillow. I groaned and turned around with my back on the bed and looked at the ceiling.

'Mom... Dad... I hope your watching me down here and protect me... I don't feel safe without y'all... Please... I don't wanna be here anymore...'

I felt tears coming out of my eyes when I got flashbacks of the people torturing me. 'Please... Someone help me from this mess...'

Then I slowly fell asleep.


I coughed when I felt something in my throat. I quickly opened my eyes and sat up. My eyes widen when I saw everything on fire.


'Kurama! What's going on!'

The beauty of the Elementsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن