Chapter 3

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I saw you smiling at your friends
While I'm alone outside with no one to care for me
You ignore
You walked away
As my heart began to break


Naruto's POV
I walked past the buildings while the villagers just glare at me. I tried to ignore and continue to walk past them. I stopped and looked up at the hokage's tower. 'Does Baa-Chan want me to go away too?' I thought.

Then I heard some giggles and laughs. I began followed the sounds and stopped when I saw all of my friends surrounded Sasuke.

"Sasuke you were so incredible! You beat Naruto!" Sakura and Ino fangirled.

"Pretty wild over there huh?" Shikamaru asked.

Sasuke nodded and Sakura said, "Why can't Naruto just quit being a ninja? I mean, come on! He's a weakling!"

Everyone agrees and nodded their heads. "He can't even fight anyway. We're better without him." Ino said. Everyone agrees on that one too.

I listen to what their all talking about and they all laughed. I look at Sasuke's face and saw a smile on his face. 'Why can't I make him smile too?' I thought. Then I heard the worse thing I've ever heard.

"Me and Sakura are both dating!" Sasuke said out loud.

My eyes widen when I heard that. My heart is slowly beginning to break into pieces. I felt tears forming in my eyes and came out and slowly rolled down to my cheeks.

I began to run away without any one of my friends noticing. I ran away as fast as my legs can go.

I ran to the gates and stopped. 'Should I leave the village?' I thought. Then I heard yelling behind me.

"Don't let him get away!"

"Get him!"

"Die you demon!"

I turned around and my eyes widen. I began to run out of the gates. I hear villagers yelling. 'I guess I have to leave...'

"Wait! No!"

I stopped when I heard Kurama talking.

"You can't go! You're stronger than this! Just ignore and try to stay as far as you can, away from them all!"

'But that won't work!'

"Who cares! Just fight them! Just ignore every one of the things they said and do!"


I snapped into reality when I heard yelling from those villagers. 'But what should I do?'

"It's ok Naruto! Just use your shadow clone jutsu and sneak in while your shadow clone distract them!"

'Alright then...'

I ran into the forest and hid. I made a hand sign and said "shadow clone jutsu" and ordered him to distract them while I sneak in. My clone nodded and ran out of the hiding place and ran towards them and jumped across the gate and ran while the villagers chase him.

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