Chapter 6

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Just pretend he's wearing a kimono and his eyes were bright ok?


Life is wild
Life is fun
I love the wilderness
I love the beauty of nature


Kurama's POV
It's been 5 years and Naruto was now 14 years old. He maybe acts childish and all but, he is beautiful.

His hair grew longer and his whiskers are kind of smaller now. He wears a red and white kimono with yellow and black flowers at the bottom of the kimono up to his knees. A red line crosses down to the bottom of the kimono and a big red ribbon tied around his waist and a big red bow behind him and a colorful flower crown around his head. His eyes were like the sky and his long hair were as bright as the sun. His fox tail and ears are just perfect, just the way they are. And his skin is smooth and soft. His body is just like a girl and his voice is just a sound of an angel. He, is my angel.

We both cuddled together as I wrapped my nine tails around him. He snuggled closer, getting a little comfy.

The light shined through the vines and we both slowly opened our eyes. I got up and yawned and stretch while Naruto just yawn and stretch laying on the bed. He rubbed his eye and looked at me and smiled.

"Ohayogozaimasu Kurama!" He said happily. "Ohayogozaimasu your highness." I smiled back in a calm way. I unwrapped my tails around him and he got up and yawned as little bit of tears formed in his eyes.

I leaned over and saw little bit of tears in his eyes. I wiped the tears away using my thumb and he looked at me and grinned brightly like always. I blush every time he grins like that.

We both climbed off the bed and Naruto went to go make breakfast. He hummed as he grabbed the ingredients for the breakfast. He eats fruits and vegetables and a little bit of meat all the time. He don't kill animals, the food just popped up on its own.

Oh yeah, I forgot. Naruto's power is a kyuubi but, his other power is nature. He don't use those ninja moves anymore. He still knows how to use them over these years but never use them.

He likes nature instead of humanity. He's not a normal human, he's a kitsune. A rare kitsune that can turn into a powerful kyuubi.

He don't like how people just kill animals for no reason or to use them for food. He don't understand why people just kill animals instead of buying meat at a store or go to a restaurant.

But, if they go hungry. He just lay a food out on the path where people past by and let them eat it without any animals eating it. He sure is a special one.

And by the way, Naruto is an omega while I'm an alpha. Just to let y'all know.

"I'm done!" Naruto said. Naruto bring the breakfast to the dining table and we both went to go wash our hands. When were done, we went to sit down. "Itadakimasu!" We both said, and began eating.

Sasuke's POV
It's been 5 years since I've seen that boy. Me and Sakura are already boyfriends and girlfriends. It's been a while since I've seen him. Over those years, I've already forgot what he is. And I still do.

The beauty of the ElementsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant