Chapter 22

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Naruto's POV
"Ah...bah! Adadada..."

I smiled when Kuro tried to stand up, using the fence to support him. He finally managed to stand up and grabbed my finger and laughed. 'So cute!' I squealed in my head.

Kuro looks exactly just like Kurama, but he has two different hair and eye color. Half of his hair is blonde and half is red. His eyes are blue and red as well.

(Kuro's hair is like naruto's hair because he's a baby. His hair will grow longer just like Kurama when he's older and his ears and tail will pop out when he's somewhere around 2-3 years old.)

Just then, I felt arms wrapping around my waist. I turned around and saw Kurama with a pouty face. "Naru-Chan, why do you ignore me so much?" Kurama asked. I tilt my head in confusion and said, "what do you mean I ignore you? I never ignore you." I giggled.

"But Naru-Chan~! I'm lonely~!" He whined. I sighed and sweat-dropped. I heard footsteps thumping on the floor, getting closer and closer. Then at the door, comes out Satori. "Dad! Can I hold him?" He asked with an innocent face. His tail wagging crazily as he bounced excitedly and glanced at Kuro.

(Satori calls Naruto dad/mother and calls Kurama daddy/father. He knows that Kurama tops Naruto.)

"Eh? Are you sure? But you're still small." Naruto said. Satori pouted and said, "I'm only 15 years old!"

I sweat-dropped even more and smiled. 'Does he even have to say that?' I thought. 'He's 15 but still look like a 5 year old.'

(Hunny-Senpai? anyone?)

"Mom! Can I?" Satori asked, jumping impatiently. I sighed and said, "fine." He jumped and yelled out "yay", which had caused Kuro to yell out yay as well. Kuro let go of the fence and yelled out "yay", clapping his hands then fell down to his butt, he stopped clapping when he fell down on his butt. "Mmaah!" Kuro made a sound. Kuro held onto the fences to help him stand up. He bounced up and down and stuck out his arms towards me, waiting to get off the crib. I chuckled and picked him up and cuddled him to my chest.

"Mom, can I hold him please?" Satori asked. I sighed again and nodded. I gave Kuro to him and he ran away with Kuro, yelling out, "HE'S MINE!!!!"

Kurama and I both laughed. I felt Kurama's lips onto mine, pecking my lips. I pouting and looked away. Kurama laughed. "You kiss me too much." I mumbled.

"Cos you're too cute."

Kurama unwrapped his arms around my waist. "Just because I'm cute doesn't mean you have to kiss me so many time, why don't you kiss our sons?" I asked, facing to him now.

"Hm? You don't like my kisses?" Kurama tilt his head, smirking. I felt my cheeks burning. "N... No... I do like your kisses..." I mumbled, sinking and playing with my fingers. "I mean, love your kisses. Especially your French kisses." I admit.

Kurama chuckled and grabbed my hand then lead me out of the room. "Where're we going?" I asked.

"A few days ago, you said we all can go somewhere to have fun, remember?" Kurama said. I froze and Kurama stopped and looked at me. "You forgot, didn't you?" Kurama asked.

"No! I totally didn't!" I lied.

"Sure..." Kurama rolled his eyes, smiling. "Anyway... I was planning for all of us to go and play at the beach with the dolphins."

"But Satori don't like dolphins." I said. "He's scared of them because he thinks he'll get eaten."

"Then we'll have to help him face his fear."


"Mom! Dad!" I heard Menma yelled out. I saw Satori and Menma running towards us. "Mom, dad. Can we go ride on a cloud?" Menma asked.

"You wanna go hover on the clouds?"

They both nodded. I look at Kurama and saw him sweating. He nodded, telling me they can. "Ok, you both can. But all can go as a family." I said. They both yelled out yay which had caused Kuro to yell out yay as well even though he doesn't know what's going on.

They both ran outside with Kuro, happily while we both stand still in silence. "You're plan changed, huh?" I asked. Kurama nodded. I smiled and said, "I'll go tell one of our workers to go home, ok?" Kurama nodded and I went to go tell our workers to go take a break.

-time skip-

I went outside and saw Kurama and Menma hovering on a cloud in full speed, swirling, sharp turns, racing, and laughing while Satori just stay on the ground watching them with Kuro. I quietly sneak up behind him and tickled him when I got closer. Satori jumped and laughed. "Mom, stop!" Satori said, talking in between his laughs. I chuckled and stopped. Kuro looked around like he's in the new world, ignoring what's happening right now.

"You wanna go join them?" I asked. "You can if you want."

"But what about you?"

"I can watch y'all from here."


"It's ok. Go and have fun."


Satori turned around and yelled out Menma's name and asked him if he can ride with him. Menma came down and Satori got on and then blast off.

I smiled when I saw them having fun. Then I got swooped up in the air. My eyes widened and I held onto Kuro tightly. I looked up and saw that I'm on Kurama's cloud. "Kurama!" I yelled at him.

Kurama laughed and swirled around and flew forward in full speed. The wind blew my clothes and hair. Kuro laughed, having fun already. 'This is so dangerous for a baby.' I thought.

-time skips-

I was pale because I got scared that I'll drop Kuro while flying with Kurama on a cloud. But Kuro don't really care if we're going fast or going high in the air. He's also not afraid of heights. Kurama, Menma, Kuro, and Satori were all surrounding me while I'm on the bed, feeling like my soul was about to leave my body. "Mother, you ok?" Menma asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I breathed out.

Kurama laughed and scratched the back of his head, sweat-dropping. "Heheh. Sorry Naru-Chan." He apologized.

"It's fine. Just don't do that again." I said as I push myself up.

"Aba?" Kuro made a noise. Satori was playing with Kuro on the floor. Satori played peek-a-boo with him, which made Kuro laugh. Kuro grabbed Satori's hair and pulled. "Ow ow ow, Kuro stop that!" Satori removed Kuro's hands from tugging his hair.

"Satori, you ok?" Menma asked. "Yeah, I'm fine!" Satori gasped. "NO DON'T EAT THE HAIR!!!" He quickly removed the hair from Kuro. Menma went to go helped him.

Me and Kurama laughed. "We'll go at the beach tomorrow, ok?" I said. Kurama nodded. Kuro roared playfully and crawled towards Menma and used his legs to help him stand up. Menma picked him up and Kuro smacked his face. "Hey no don't do that!" Menma held Kuro's hands. Kuro bit Menma's hands which didn't hurt Menma at all. Menma sighed and put him down. "Mm bah!" Kuro crawled out of the room.

Menma and Satori have to chase him out of the room to get Kuro.

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