Chapter 15

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Bad at action stories. Gomen. 😅😅😅

And I'm having trouble with the years and how old are they.


Naruto's POV
I'm training my students at the battle field right now. My students are team 3. Menma Uzumaki, Jinaki Zumuzo, and Ayamoto Naseki.

(Their training on the ground, not in a floating island.)

Jinaki is Menma's best friend since where Menma has went to school the third day, and always protect him. He got dark green hair, emerald eyes, and dark skin.

Ayamoto is a pretty and sassy girl and she always brag about being more prettier than the others. She got bright blonde hair, purple eyes, and smooth skin.


Menma and Jinaki is attacking Ayamoto. Menma attacks her to the front and Jinaki attacks her from the back after Menma.

Ayamoto dodged and kicked them, sending them both flying to the ground. They both landed on their feet and dashed towards her. Menma tackled her and used fireball jutsu on her but she dodged again.

She punched him in the stomach, sending him flying, almost hit to the tree but Jinaki caught him. She ran towards them and hit both of them.


She coughed and felt a hand behind her back and pushed her to the water.


She swam up and coughed again. She heard laughter and look up and saw Menma and Jinaki laughing. She growled and look down at her outfit.

"My outfit's ruined!" She yelled.

They stop laughing and look at her. "Stop caring about your looks and train!" Menma said.

"I agree." Jinaki said, puffed a bubble on his cheek.

She growled again and leafs surround her and she disappeared in the air and appeared behind them and push them but Menma grabbed Jinaki and disappear in one blink in the air and appeared behind her and they both kicked her, sending her flying to a tree.

"That's not fair! Two against one?!" She yelled.

"It's call teamwork, baka." Menma said. Jinaki nodded with agreement.

"Ok guys, that's enough." I stopped them. "Let's stop training for now."

"Awwwww!" Menma whine and Jinaki just pout.

-time skips-

It's time to go home and me and my two sons are walking back home. We arrived and opened the door.

We walked in and a fox came and tackled me. Licking my face.

I laughed cause it tickles. "H-hey! K-Kurama stop! Heheh! That tickles!" I laughed.

He stopped and sat up, letting me sit up. He transformed into a human and said, "Naruto! I missed you soooo much!"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Menma grabbed his lil brother's hand and they both ran upstairs to play in their room.

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