14- facebook battle

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kit's POV

my morning class start non-stop until evening even at the lunchtime. I start to regret for following phana in medical field.


I look at them who's busy with their phone even when we walk to café they didn't talk.

"ai pha, ai beam what you guys look at your phone?" I break the silenced.

"you didn't open your facebook ai kit?" beam muttered.

"no. I also muted the notification"

"you should, no you must open your facebook now ai kit. Look at our fan page university. It's getting hot there!"

I look at phana who just give me a mischievous smile.

what happen in that fan page must be great because they can catch an attention "the great phana" who doesn't care about others business.

I open my facebook and click for the fan page university.


I can't believe what I read.


*scroll down*

breaking news :
all handsome and perfect moon in our university already taken so lets change to another university.

comment (3210)
bright : you doesn't need the moon just come to me the real man baby!

beam : come on, I can bring all the girl to the moon!

forth : nice game nong. Lets see what uncle will talk about this!

*scroll again*

breaking news :
our previous moon is off market and his orange baby seen in medical faculty parking since this morning! who's that lucky doctor?

you can start break your tears now
– our great moon already taken.

comment (5432)
beam : get ready to get the punishment nong!

phana : I cant wait to help that person hang you in front of your building!

bright : play safe nong or that person will castrate you!

*scroll again*

breaking news :
our evil head hazer of engineering is getting laid by a new moon.
he's car get a new owner and even park in the head hazer place!

don't try to step in his hell guys
– engineering new moon taken.

comment (5327)
bright : mai mai, run before our head hazer chop your head admin.

toota : he will punish you to run hundred laps without a shirt nong. Get ready!

prem : ai toot. Its your punishment not him! good luck admin. He will find you later!

beam : look like the pretty one already change to handsome and charming one!

forth : you choose the best one so get ready if he cut your steep rod later!

admin : I already grave my own death. thanks to my reporter for this.


arthit's POV

I can feel everyone look at me when I'm walking to the cafe to join my friend after the class.

I didn't even have a lunch because I need to finished my project work.

I sit in the middle of prem and knott, then all of eyes look at me with a deep breath.

"ai art, did you open your Facebook today?"

"no, I'm busy with my project earlier. Why toot?"

Bright give me his phone. I look at the screen and there my eyes getting bigger and if I'm in cartoon movie my ears would let out a smoke!

"kongpob! mingkwan! I will chop your head!" I yell in the middle of the cafe.

Everyone near our table startle with my yelling.

What a great day today!


mingkwan's POV

"both of them will wrap us like a mummy and burn us to death kong" I muttered while we walk back to p'kit room.

"why you using the same way with me? And how your kitten get into your trap?" I continue.

"it's worth to die now p. at least the whole university know that they belong to us. no one will step on our line p" kong replied and I agree with that.

I knock and open p'kit room.

there I can see two pairs of fierce eyes stare at us.

my body feels hot with the stares!

both of us run to them and kneel before they strangle us to death.

"im so sorry p'kit with the news on facebook! I will find the admin and torture him till he die. I promise!"

"im sorry to p'arthit, I didn't expect they will make a news about us. I will join p'ming to torture the admin"

they look at us and give a death glare! their cheeks become red because of the angry mode.

"both of you will be our slave for a week!" they said in unison.

"and no kiss for a week to you mingkwan!" p'kit muttered and this one make me become pale.

"you have to treat me expensive breakfast, lunch and dinner for a week kongpob!" p'arthit muttered in his hazing voice.

"khrappp love" we said together while give a sorry smile.

"and you have to sleep in the coach for a week mingkwan! don't you dare to come near me. I will burn your ball" p'kit muttered.

I just replied him with puppy eyes.

And yes tonight I will move the coach to p'kit side so I still can sleep beside him.

love like a pokemon, you need a ball to catch them.

note :
sorry for grammar error!
english is not my first language so forgive me. 🙏🏻

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