Chapter 2

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Keith's POV

What the hell is going on?! I'm looking around this crowd of people and they're all staring at me. That creepy gypsy is holding my hand.

"Don't be afraid, my child. You will switch back in good time." she cackles, releasing my hand.

I walked away from the booth, totally confused. I ran back to Hot Topic and my jaw literally hit the floor. Inside the store, I see MYSELF, HITTING ON GIRLS. I look down and scream, I'm in Lance's body. How's that possible?! That voodoo lady is gonna PAY for this one.

Lance's POV

Haha, this is great. That weird gypsy lady transported me to Hot Topic! Only, Keith isn't here? I was sure that's where I saw him going. Whatever, these chicks are kinda hot. I'm standing up now, with one girl on each hip and another two standing in front of me. And then I heard a familiar scream. My scream?! I looked out the door and saw...myself?! I raced out the door away from the ladies.

"Keith?" I asked, well, me.

"Yeah. Your little voodoo lady switched our bodies!" he screamed back.

"Don't worry, we just need to go back and have her fix this." I said, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Okay, okay. You're right." he sighed, relaxing.

We walked back to where the stand was and she was gone. In her place, was a freaking food truck. A food truck! We both knew we were screwed.

"Great. Now what?" Keith cried out, running his hand through his hair. Well, my hair.

"I don't know. I guess we have to complete the mission like this." I muttered, scratching my neck.

"Wonderful. Thanks a lot, Loverboy Lance." Keith retorted.

We walked back to the Lion and I sat in the pilot's chair. The lion roared to life, literally, and Keith grabbed my hand before I could touch the controls.

"What do you think you're doing?" he spat.

"Driving us to the next pitstop?" I laughed.

"My. Lion. Not yours." he growled.

"I am you, at least from what the lion can tell." I chuckled back, smirking at him and snatching my hand from his.

"If you crash, I'm telling Shiro. Actually, maybe we should tell the team what happened now." Keith snarked.

"NO! I Let's just wait a little while, I'm sure it's just like Freaky Friday. You know that movie?" I pleaded, hoping Keith wouldn't tell the team I had messed up.

I'm already the laughing stock of the team. They never take me seriously. I know, jokes are my personality, but I want a little respect. If they heard I had switched bodies with Keith, they'd never let it go. I think I'd be safe telling Pidge, if things don't switch back to normal at the end of our mission. I'll need her help fixing this problem, anyways.

"No. I've never seen Freaky Friday. You forget, I lived alone in the desert for years. I didn't exactly have cable." Keith groaned, looking even more frustrated with me.

"Oh. That sucks." I sighed, focusing on my piloting.

We sat in silence for half an hour and then Keith spoke again.

"Uh. H-how am I supposed to use the bathroom?" he stuttered.

"Shit." I mumbled, wishing I could be anywhere but in the lion with Keith.

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