Chapter 15

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Keith's POV

When we got back to the castle, things were awkward. We had defeated the Galra, yet again, but there was an unusual tension in the castle. Everyone seemed to be avoiding the elephant in the room...the fact that Lance, Pidge, and I had kept a monumental secret from our team until a moment of chaos had occurred. We had been irresponsible and dishonest. And I could tell Shiro was the most angered by it.

"Sh-Shiro, I can explain." I sighed, breaking the silence with a stutter.

"I don't want excuses, Kogane. I need time to process the situation and determine what punishment needs to be enforced to make sure you two don't pull something like this again." Shiro grumbled, leaving the lounge.

"I'd better go calm him down...sorry, Paladins." Allura sighed, leaving too.

"Did he say us two?" Lance asked, looking my way.

"Yeah. Pidge isn't really to blame for the secrecy. It was our decision." I mumbled, fidgeting under his gaze.

"HA! Lucky me!" Pidge grinned, laughing at us.

"I'll start on dinner. Pidge, you get to help!" Hunk smirked, ruining her moment of glory.

"UGHHHHHH." Pidge groaned, being dragged to the kitchen.

Lance's POV

Keith needs to stop worrying about whatever punishment Shiro is threatening us with. Obviously he can't discipline us...can he?! If so, as IF I'm obeying his orders! Even though he's the leader of Voltron, he isn't my dad. He's only older by a few years. Keith should stop sucking up to him so much, it makes us seem like little kids. 

"Keith, looks like it's just you and me." I whispered, sliding in his direction on the couch.

"Yep. I guess it is." he responded, apparently uninterested. 

"HEY!" I cooed, laying my head in his lap.

"What do you want from me? You and I are nothing but a nuisance to the rest of the team and I don't think whatever THIS is has any potential at lasting. Given the circumstances." Keith retorted, tears building up in his eyes.

"W-what? No. NO. Keith, you don't understand. I'm falling for you. I have been for a while now, but it's like nothing I ever do is good enough for any of you! I'm never enough." I cried out, my heart beating faster.

"Lance, I don't want to hear that. You know you're attractive, you flaunt it all the damn time. You know people adore you, heck I bet every girl back at the Garrison would beg for your autograph after the crazy adventures we've been through out here. You're an arrogant son of a bitch and you put on this stupid insecure act to make people feel bad for you. I'm calling bullshit." Keith ranted, pushing me off his lap.

"What the hell?! This isn't some fucking act! Do you honestly believe that I'd feel this way by choice? That I'd pretend to hate myself in front of YOU of all people? I'm constantly trying to impress you, no matter what it takes, but it took SWITCHING BODIES with you for you to notice me at all. I hate this. How I feel. But I hate that you think I'm putting on a show even more." I sobbed, getting up and walking away. I slammed my bedroom door so loud the walls of the castle echoed.

"Fuck that." Keith muttered to himself, one tear sliding down his cheek.

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