Chapter 8

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Lance's POV

My heart is racing and I can't think straight...pun intended. Keith and I have been silent for a while and I think it's because I pressured him into making a move on me. I watch as he reaches out to put his hand on my cheek, he leans in closer and I lose my breath. 

"Lance?" he whispers.

"Y-yeah?" I respond, flustered.

"Is this okay?" he asked, looking me in the eyes, our foreheads touching.

I nodded and closed the gap between us.

Keith's lips taste like cinnamon and honey mixed into one delicious taste I can't get enough of...until I realize I'm kissing myself. I shrug it off and keeping going, because I can't get enough of him. 

Keith laughs as he leaves my lips, then looks back at me.

"We just made out with ourselves." he chuckles, his smile spreading across his face.

I laugh back and brush Keith's hair out of his face. He meets my eyes again and stands up to leave the room. 

I watch him walk out the door. 

Keith's POV

Lance is irresistible. I had to force myself to leave, because I've got a little self respect and I don't consider kissing myself normal...

But it felt different. Like Lance had put his own special touch to it that made it different from kissing me. He made it his own. Wait...HOLY SHIT I KISSED LANCE! I CAN'T WAIT TO TELL SHIRO!

This is unbelievable!

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