Chapter 10

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Keith's POV

I've been looking for Lance for an hour now and I can't find him. I hope he's not upset with me. It was a mutual decision! I wanted to kiss him and I'm pretty sure he wanted it too. If he didn't, then I'd gladly take the blame. I just want things to be okay between us. He means a lot to me and to this team. 

"Lance?" Allura questioned, seeing me looking under MY bed. 

"Uh. Yeah?" I asked, nervously.

"Why are you in Keith's room?" she prodded, looking suspicious.

"He-uh- stole something from me. And I'm trying to get it back. But I can't find him, or it." I chuckled, making up a cover story.

"Well, why don't I help you find him!" she bubbled, getting down on her knees to search with me.

"Oh. Sure. Thanks, Princess." I smiled, scratching the back of my head like Lance does when he's nervous. 

Pidge taught me well.

"KEITH!" we called out across the castle, hoping to get a response. 

It's been weird for me to call out my own name like this.

Lance's POV

Long story short, I crashed.

I had been getting a bit cocky, I'll admit, with my piloting and I was going full speed. This rock came outta nowhere and now things aren't looking good. 

My ears are ringing and the lion is stuck head first in an asteroid. I'm sure I'm far from the castle of lions and I'm panicking a bit. Blood is dripping from my forehead onto my shirt and I can't move. I don't know if the red lion is ready to move again, or if it needs a bit of Pidge's attention.

I'm starting to think this was a bad idea.

I hear loud sounds of machinery from behind the lion and they sound horribly familiar.

It can't be...

The sounds I'm hearing from the outer space around me could belong to none other than a Galra fleet. And it sounds a bit too close for comfort.

Keith's POV

I'm starting to freak out. Lance has been missing for almost three hours and none of us know where he went. Plus, since everyone thinks he's me, except Pidge, they've come up with the alibi that he went on a mission with the Blade. Pidge and I had a real hard time trying to back them off that excuse. 

I know I tend to see the worst in situations, but I swear I'm right about it this time. I've got a gut feeling that something's gone wrong and that Lance needs my help. OUR help.

I went down to find the blue lion and realized that Red is gone. He did this on purpose! And, knowing Lance, he's done something unbelievably stupid this time.

I left a note on Pidge's pillow saying that I'd be gone for a while and that she should cover for me, then took off in the blue lion. I hope Lance is okay.

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