Chapter 3

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Lance's POV

I pulled the lion over at the nearest space motel, nervous about Keith seeing know what ...that he needed to use. Keith left the lion and was gone for a while. I stepped out of the lion and stretched, god, Keith is short. I ran my fingers through, what was now, my mullet. His hair is so soft! I saw Keith come out of the building, arms folded and head down. He looks flustered. 

"So, you like what you saw?" I winked.

"Shut up and drive us home." Keith retorted, blushing blazing across his cheeks.

"Your fly is down." I winked, climbing back into the lion.

"AGH!" Keith screamed, his hands shooting down to zip his pants.

We flew for another 15 minutes and finally reached the castle. We had formed a plan: Only tell Pidge about our situation and pretend to be each other until she could switch us back.

"So, you have to talk, Keith. I have to act moody and super emo. Make sure you wink at least once." I smiled, my arm around Keith's shoulders.

"Get off." Keith pushed my arm away and started gliding towards the castle door. 

I watched him act like me and I laughed to myself, he's actually really good at it. He must pay a lot of attention to me...

"Lance! How was your trip? Did you gather the supplies?" Coran beamed, expecting a good response. 

"Well...we got some of the stuff. But I'm sure the princess can manage with what we found." Keith said, blinking really hard at the end.

Was that his wink?! What the hell was that?!

"Anyways! We're really tired, so we're gonna go to my room and take a nap now. I mean. I'm going to my room. Lan-KEITH is going to his!" Keith rushed, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the castle.

"That was...odd?" Shiro muttered to Coran as we were walking away.

Once we got to my room the drama started. 

Keith's POV

"I can't do this! I'm awful at being confident! And I can't even get your stupid grin right!" I shouted, flopping down on Lance's bed.

"Hey. You did great, Keith. I know this is going to be nearly impossible, but I'm sure we can get through it. We make a great team, remember?" Lance smiled down at me.

"Wait. You really do remember our bonding moment?" I gasped, feeling some sort of excitement down lower...oh shit!

"Yeah, but it's cute when I pretend I don't remember and you get all angry with me. You're...kinda hot when you're pissed." Lance smirked, glancing down at my...situation.

"Oh. My. God. Keith! Why's my body doing that?!" Lance stammered.

"I think you might have the hots for my mullet." I grinned, trying to wink again.

"We seriously need to work on your winking." Lance laughed, grabbing my hand again.

"Yeah. What about Pidge?" I asked, killing the mood.

"Oh. Maybe we should tell her tomorrow. It's getting kinda late." Lance sighed, letting go of me.

We layed on the bed for almost an hour and I looked over at Lance. He was asleep. I scooted a bit closer to him and laid my head on his chest. I'm not sure why, but I calmed down. We're gonna be okay, Pidge can help us. I closed my eyes and listened to Lance's heartbeat. 

It put me to sleep.

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