Chapter 6

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Keith's POV

Lance is actually a really cool guy. Not that I'd hang out with him by choice, but if I were stuck on an island alone with him I wouldn't be completely screwed. I think he's matured a lot since our days at the Garrison, which is saying a lot because back then he used to start food fights to get people's attention.

I taught him how to use my bayard and it went really well. He might be able to hold his own in a battle using my weapon instead of his. I, on the other hand, SUCK at using his stupid gun. This thing is heavy and bulky and kicks back a lot when I fire it. Lance tried helping me relax with it and stand my ground, but as soon as his arms went around my waist I bailed. I can't let him see me vulnerable.

He has this horrible effect on me. His attention is bad for me and it makes me feel really nervous. If I didn't know any better, I'd say my crush on him from a long time ago has come back.

The only person who's heard me talk about Lance is Shiro. And he swore to never tell another soul. I know he's kept that promise, because I've got blackmail on him. It's a video of him dancing and singing to a Brittany Spears CD back at my cabin. It's priceless.

I had this stupid crush on Lance when we were competing at the Garrison. He was my rival, but I always envied his confidence and his good looks. I hated how he could sweep any girl, or guy, off their feet with just three words. The name's Lance. I felt shivers go up my spine.

Lance's POV

God. Keith has been staring at the floor for about twenty minutes. We were training on each other's bayards and the minute I tried helping him with his form he ran off to the bench on the wall. He must feel weird about me acting so affectionate, and I guess I understand.

He looked up, met my eyes, and shot his gaze back to the ground. Is he blushing? Oh. OH. I think the red paladin has a crush! But, I can't be sure yet. Let's see how he likes this...

I turn on Careless Whisper with my iPod and strut towards to him slowly. I look him up and down, run my hand through his (my) mullet and meet his eyes. He rolls his eyes. I grab his wrists and pin them above his head on the wall and lean in close to his ear.

"Keeping a secret, red?" I whisper, letting my lips brush against his ear.

"N-no. Cut it out, Lance! This isn't funny." he mumbled, trying to squirm out of my grasp. 

I let his arms go and he stormed out of the room. What a mood killer.

"Keith...what was all that?" Shiro gasped, coming into the room.

"D-did you see that?!" I stammered, hoping he hadn't seen what I was doing.

"No. All I saw was Lance walk off, did you insult him again?" Shiro questioned.

"N-no. I promise I didn't. I was just teasing him. And not in a mean way either." I stuttered, regretting what I'd done.

"Oh. Okay?" Shiro said, clearly puzzled.

I raced after Keith.

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