Chapter 4

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Author's Note: This chapter is longer than usual. Sorry, not sorry. ;)

Lance's POV

"Keith! What the hell?! Get off me, dumbass!" I shouted, blushing about as red as Keith's jacket.

Keith jumped up and off of my chest and hurried out of the room. Was I too rude about it?

"Kei-LANCE where are you going?" I called out to him, watching him storm off.

"Pidge." he muttered, flicking me off from behind his back.

I took off Keith's jacket and laid it on my bed, how does he wear that thing all the time without sweating?!

"Wait up! I wanna come with." I hollered, catching up to him.

"No. I can handle this on my own. Besides, you should be training. My body, my rules." he spat, still not looking at me.

"Fine. But since that's a rule, you have to go do a face mask, take a long bath, and condition my hair once you've talked to Pidge." I smirked, wondering if Keith even knew how to relax.

"Deal. Now go away." Keith mumbled, slamming Pidge's door in my face. 

This should be fun.

Keith's POV

"Pidge, I need a favor." I sighed, leaning against her bedroom wall.

Pidge glanced up from her computer screen and rolled her eyes at me, then I remembered she thinks I'm Lance.

"What is it this time? A pimple won't go away from your 'flawless' complexion? You broke a nail? Your hair is too frizzy? OMG, have you finally decided to come out of the closet?!" Pidge laughed, sarcasm exploding out of her.

"No, no, no, and we can come back to that last one. I'm actually not myself lately..." I replied, feeling awkward knowing Lance might have something in common with me after all.

"Oh. Did you eat something off your diet?" Pidge giggled, sipping from a tea cup.

"No. See...this is Keith. Lance switched our bodies when he messed with some voodoo lady at the market place." I said, the words flying out of my mouth. 

Pidge spat out her tea.

"And you need me to switch you back. Oh boy. Well, sit down, this is going to take some work." Pidge groaned.

Lance's POV

Keith has an entire warmup workout routine written out on his bedroom wall. It's almost as elaborate as my beauty routine! This is gonna be impossible! Keith may be slower, shorter, and grumpier than I am, but he certainly has more endurance! And pain tolerance.

I started with crunches and pushups and worked my way to burpies and lunges. He has each one set at a ridiculously high amount and after this he wants me to run laps! I'm hating him more by the second.

Twenty minutes into the workout routine and I'm already wishing I was dead. I'm almost done warming up, but running is the last thing I want to do after this.

Two Hours Later

Wow! I have never felt more adrenaline in my life! Well, except maybe when I had my first kiss in high school. He was an athlete and it was his too. NEVERMIND THAT! Keith goes from running laps to fighting the battle droid on its most difficult setting, and I gotta tell you. This thing has no mercy!

After my intense workout I run to the bathroom to take a cold shower, I hear the sound of frustration coming from Pidge's room and I realize they've been in there for almost three hours! Pidge always takes snack breaks when she's working hard, but I haven't heard her door open this entire time. She must be running out of ideas, and that's terrifying.

I grabbed a change of clothes and slid into the shower, Beyonce's voice blaring from my speaker.

Keith's POV

After an hour of letting Pidge scan my head and brain with numerous devices and coming to no conclusion, I left Pidge alone to work. She told me she works better without the pressure of others, which is understandable.

I went to Lance's room to find the recipe for his face masks, and I was mortified. The recipe requires about 20 ingredients and takes half an hour to prepare. HOW DOES HE DO IT?! I gathered the ingredients from the kitchen and Lance's makeup bag, but struggled to mix them. The mask mix dries fast and is super sticky. I painted it on my face and headed to the bathroom to start my bath. 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Lance screamed at me from the shower.

"Lance, it doesn't matter. That's my body. I've seen it before." I chuckled, putting his makeup bag and clothes on the sink. 

"Yeah. You're right. Wanna join me?" Lance smirked, wiggling my eyebrows at me. 

"Hard pass." I teased, turning on the sink.

By the time Lance was finished with his shower, I still hadn't been able to scrub the last bits of the face mask off. It was like superglue!

"Let me help you." he murmured, grabbing a cloth from the closet.

I stared into his eyes as he rubbed the last of the mask of my face and sang Brittany Spears under his breath. It all made me feel really...different. He doesn't treat everyone like this does he?

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