Chapter 5

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Lance's POV

Keith actually listened to me when I told him to do my beauty routine! THANK GOD my face won't be greasy and gross when I get my body back. When I was helping him scrub off the mask he kept looking at me funny, his eyes were locked on mine and he had this...stupid smile on his face. Like he actually cared about me. He's been acting way more affectionate towards me lately and I can't decide whether I hate it or I love it. 

"Lance, thanks for the help." Keith said, his cheeks turning a bit pink.

"No prob, weirdo." I sighed, walking out the door.

I ran to Pidge's room to check on her progress and I realized the lights were off. Pidge was curled up in a ball, fast asleep with her laptop still running on her chest. I noticed the gigantic document she had typed up on its screen and decided it was best that she got rest after working so hard.

I went to the lounge to watch tv and heard a conversation coming from the kitchen.

"I found Keith's jacket on Lance's bed. Do you think what Pidge keeps saying is true? And if so, how am I supposed to deal with the situation? They better be using protection is all I'm saying." Shiro's voice echoed through the room.

"I agree with that last part, darling. But furthermore, are we sure such a relationship would be okay for our team? When should we intrude on the matter?" Allura responded, sounding deeply concerned.

"All I have to say about it is that it's ADORABLE! Fire and Ice! Darkness and light! They were practically made for each other! I'm fully supportive of it, if there's anything going on between our red and blue paladins." Coran cheered out, sounding a lot more excited than usual.

Oh. NO. They can NOT think we're a couple. NOT ON MY WATCH!

"HEY GUYS! WHAT'S POPPIN'?!" I hollered, coming around the corner with a huge smirk on my face.

"K-Keith. What's gotten into you?" Allura gasped, looking at my position.

I realized I was posing flirtatiously on the doorway and I froze. I'm in Keith's body! THEY THINK I'M KEITH!

I backed up slowly, then sprinted out of the room. That was bad.

"What the hell?" Shiro mumbled from the room.

Keith's POV

As much as I hate to admit it, Lance is actually a smart guy. Only when it comes to confidence and relaxation though. This beauty routine has done WONDERS for his pores! And these bath bombs are AMAZING. I never knew relaxing could be so fun. Lance has me scheduled for a thirty minute bath then a twenty minute "beauty rest". Apparently he need his daily nap or he gets aggravated, too bad I'm always aggravated. This nap thing will do nothing to me.

I finished my bath and put on Lance's silk robe, the thing is SOFT. As soft as Lance's hair even. Did I just think that?! Whatever.

"Keith, buddy. You still naked?" I heard Lance ask from outside the bathroom.

"No. But I'm about to take a nap. What happened? You sound frantic." I questioned him, opening the door.

"The team thinks we're dating. I heard Coran, Shiro, and Allura talking about it. Oh, and I bumped into Hunk on the way here. Dinner is in thirty minutes, go nap now." Lance said, rushing the words out. He looks so stressed...or is that just my face?

"Okay. I'm going." I sighed, pushing past him. 

"Oh, and they think we're doing it too." Lance whispered, stopping me in my tracks.

"They think what?!" I cried, grabbing his arm.

"Yeah. Shiro hopes we're using protection." Lance smirked back at me, holding up a condom.

"GET THAT OUT OF MY FACE!" I shouted, swatting the rubber away from him.

"HEY! THAT'S MINE!" Lance yelled, picking it up.


"I wonder what they're fighting about?" Allura asked Shiro, their ears pressed against the door.

"Oooh, now what's Keith got in Lance's face now?" Coran giggled, putting his ear to the door too.

"SHUT UP GUYS! I'M TRYING TO LISTEN!" Shiro groaned, covering their mouths.

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