Chapter 11

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Pidge's POV

Lance better get his ass back to the castle. Without him, how're the guys supposed to bond enough to switch their bodies back?! The website I found my information on had messages from numerous people that faced the same problem and all of them described how they'd become closer with each other through the experience. It sounds like Lance and Keith have a long way to go before they get their bodies back.

I've always suspected Keith had feelings for Lance, but I assumed Lance would never like Keith back because he's a HUGE player and he had been into Allura for years. When Allura and Shiro fell in love, Lance went back to flirting with every alien girl he set his eyes on. Nonetheless, I think he's got a bit of gay in him, or at least a soft spot for Mullet. 

"Pidge?" Allura asked, sticking her head into my room.

"Yes, Princess?" I responded, crumbling up the note.

"Have you seen Lance? I wanted to ask for his help with something." she mumbled.

"Uh. No. I think he went out for um...some fresh air? Yeah. He's feeling a bit homesick today, he figured if he took his lion out for a ride he'd feel better." I rambled on, hoping my excuse sounded believable.

"Oh. Sure. Thank you." Allura sighed, leaving my room.

"Wait! Allura, what's the matter?" I questioned, noticing her change in mood.

"It's just. I need his help with Shiro. Our anniversary is coming up and I want to surprise him with some Earth-like traditions. I figured Lance is a romantic and he could help me out a bit." she explained, coming back into my room.

"If you were planning on making Shiro a meal, you could ask Hunk for some advice. I'm not very good at that romance stuff." I chuckled, pulling out my laptop.

"Oh. Thank you Pidge." Allura smiled, hopping up to leave.

"No prob." I smirked.

Keith's POV

"Lance. Where are you?!" I shouted to myself, worried sick.

I stared out into the vast darkness of space and noticed a band of meteors off to my right. That looks right up Lance's alley. If he left the castle for danger, that'd be the perfect place to find it. It's my best shot at finding him, I've got to try.

I soared over to the rocks and searched thoroughly. No sign of him. I looked everywhere, every rock, crevice, and crater. He's nowhere to be found. I tested out the tracking system in my lion to see if I could get a signal, but his lion didn't show up. This feels wrong. I know for sure something terrible has happened, and until Lance is home safe, I won't rest.

This is far from over.

Lance's POV

I woke up to a loud humming sound and the freezing cold air. 

"Where am I?" I muttered to myself, looking around.

The dark purple lights gave it up. I'm being held prisoner on a Galra cruiser, and they must have Red too! Although it's Keith's lion, I'm thinking I'll be able to call it to me with my mind. It's at least worth a shot!

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Cmon buddy, I know you're out there.

"Keith?!" I gasp, seeing his determined face piloting a lion.

Keith is still in my body, but I can tell it's him based on the fact that he hasn't combed my hair this morning and it seems like I'm looking in the cockpit of the blue lion! Is Keith looking for me?!

Wait...if I'm bonded with my blue lion again, does that mean we're getting closer to switching back?

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