Chapter 17

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Keith's POV

I know exactly what to do. How I can show everyone how I feel about Lance. Most importantly, how I can show Lance that I love him. He needs to know it now, more than ever.

This plan will take some work, but I think it's worth it. This kind of thing doesn't happen very often for me!

I raced to my room to start working.

Hunk's POV

In all honesty, I have no idea what's going on around the castle. I just heard Lance and Keith arguing, watched Lance run to his room sobbing, heard Shiro yelling, and saw Pidge comforting Lance...the whole team is in shambles.

Coran finally finished his Klance fan fiction, but nobody has the nerve to read it after all the drama that's happened between Shiro, Lance, Keith, and Pidge. The mice and I decided to retreat to the kitchen and make cookies...because who doesn't love cookies?!

When my friends are upset, I always make it up to them with their favorite snack. But, since the majority of my friends are feeling down, I decided to go with the happy medium of a dessert. I know, I know, I'm the sweetest paladin ever. Just kidding, I think that'd be the Princess. She always has the nicest things to say about my cooking! 

"What are you doing?" Coran asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Making lion shaped cookies for the others, I want them to feel better soon. I don't like all this tension." I sighed, mixing the batter.

"Can I help?" Coran beamed, eyeing the icing containers on the shelf.

"Sure, but more cooking and less taste-testing this time! Last time you helped you ate all the chocolate chips!" I laughed, passing him the batter.

When the cookies were done, I heard loud music coming from the lounge. 

Is that...Keith?

Lance's POV

I heard the sound of Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You" coming from down the hall, and I sprung out of bed. The only person that likes that kind of music is me...and the only person who knows that is...Keith.

"AND IIIIIIIIIII-E-IIIIIIIIII WILL AAALWAYS LOOOVE YOUUUUUUUUUU" Keith sang out loud, turning bright red when the others entered the room.

I stared at him, a bright smile spreading across my puffy, teary-eyed face. The room was decorated with red and blue flowers and candles. Keith was standing on a chair, singing out of a hair brush with a boombox at his feet. 

"What the hell?" I chuckled, stepping towards him. 

The music faded out and Keith took my hand. 

"G-guys...I have to say something. First off, god that song is annoying. Second, Shiro, I'm so sorry. For how Lance and I behaved. I know that keeping such information from the team was bad and that we could've been badly hurt, but we were just trying to straighten things out on our own. We wanted to be responsible for our own misfortune. I hope you'll for give us. And, OH BOY! Thirdly...Lance McClain, I need you to know...that from the moment I met you, I knew you were special. I knew that one day you'd be a huge part of my life. I don't know how you did it, but you made me feel a way I've never felt before. I'm madly in love with you and I want to make this work. I want to fight to have you in my life and I want to fight to keep you in it. Because I care about you more than I've cared about anyone in the entire universe. Say you love me too? Don't make me sing Whitney Houston again, please...that was so embarrassing." Keith declared, holding my hand through his entire speech and looking at each of us admiringly. 

"Keith...I love you too." I cried, pulling his lips to mine with my hand in his hair. We kissed passionately, not caring who was watching. I kept crying, but this time with joy.

We turned around and saw all of the others...with cameras out......oh shit.

I watched Lance laugh and my heart skipped a beat. He's so beautiful, even with eyes filled with tears.

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