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Vicky woke up with a start, sitting up and spitting hair out of her mouth. It was dark all around her, with only moonlight streaming in from the open windows above her head.

She was sitting on the carpeted floor, her face and neck damp. It seemed that someone had tried to wake her up by sprinkling water on her face.

"Hey, how do you feel?" asked a deep voice from across the room. 

Vicky looked around until her eyes landed on a tall figure by the open door. It was left ajar as he walked up to her and crouched down.

Vick's breath hitched as she recognized Levi. He impatiently brushed the hair off his face, something she'd rarely seen him do. The room was dark, and she could see little except for his face.

 "Should I call a doctor?" He asked concern lacing his words. It was a risky move to pursue at a house party. All of them could end up in jail.

She shook her head. It was quiet where she was and the room didn't smell of alcohol. The window was open and she could see a balcony behind her. The crowded party seemed to be miles away, even though she could make out some catchy tunes blaring downstairs. Up here in the darkness, she didn't feel feel boxed in or pressurized to socialize.

Wait. Didn't that mean she was upstairs? Who had brought her there? She recalled collapsing on the stairs with Levi standing in front of her. Did that mean he had carried her here? 

A hot blush splashed across her cheeks and she was inherently glad that it was only a half moon night and he couldn't really tell the colour of her face.

Vicky willed herself not to panic. This is what she had been waiting most of her life for. Right here and now, she was with someone she could potentially fall in love with.

"Thank you." she said surprising herself by not stuttering.

Levi sighed. "No problem." He said scrubbing his hands over his eyes.

Now that Vicky was close enough to notice, he did look rather tired. His dimple reappeared as he gave her a small smile

"So claustrophobic huh?" he asked sitting cross legged beside her. He grinned and Vicky's stomach took a horrid turn. She felt as though her insides were performing somersaults.

"Y-yes." she managed, blushing even redder. She probably looked like a baked sweet potato right now. So much for being sexy.

"So Samthon mentioned a pretty girl wanted to speak to me." He said a smirk playing on his lips. "It's a first for someone to request for me when he is available." He laughed and Vicky had to wonder how anyone could manage not to have a crush on him.

"I I I ---" and the stammering was back. Her blood pressure shot up and she broke into cold sweat. Rivulets dripped from her forehead as she struggled to control her breathing.

He probably didn't have the patience to deal with her. Tears filled her eyes as she realized her romantic pursuits had turned to dust before they even began.

"It's okay, take deep breaths" he said instead his voice effortlessly calm. He took a piece of string from his jeans pocket and reached behind her head, carefully tying up her long hair. The cool air kissed her neck and she felt slightly better.

He was mindful not to touch her, but couldn't prevent the slight brush of his fingers on her neck as he moved away.

"You have a fever." He said looking worried. " I should call a doctor. It's going to be midnight anyway. It's time for this party to break up."

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