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Levi's mother checked her purse for change and sighed when she found none. Wiping the stray tears from her cheeks she turned to face her six year old son.

"Levi?" she asked softly. "Do you have---could I please---borrow some money from you?"

He nodded, hurrying over to his tiny piggy bank to rattle out a few coins. He smiled happily when they fell into his palm and handed them to his mother.

She looked harried, tired with working two jobs, tired of being betrayed, tired of life. But she smiled at her son and kissed him.

"Study well dear. One day things will be better." she said before turning to leave.

Levi nodded as he watched her close the door behind her noting how much he hated this situation. Hated it with a passion. Hated it with every cell in his six year old body.

Oh how he wanted to crush the man who'd done this to them. He wanted to watch him suffer and he wanted to destroy the man who'd made his mother cry so many times.

He wouldn't be six forever and when the time was right he would get his revenge.

Levi awoke with a start, cold sweat all over his neck and back. He cursed loudly as he sat up fumbling around the bedside table for a bottle of water. When he finally found it he chugged down half the bottle, before pausing to wipe his mouth with the back of his hand.

He hated this dream. Even though it had been ten years since that day, he kept having dreams about it.

Probably because he still hadn't got the revenge he so badly wanted back then. He seemed to have mellowed now, although he did not forgive that man.

He listened softly to the silence around him and smiled. At least things were better now. His mother now had a stable job and Levi had got himself a scholarship and a couple of  part-time stints. There was enough food, the roof wasn't leaking anymore and they had a  safe place to sleep. He loved his mother, loved her ever so much and finally she had some peace.

She didn't deserve the ill treatment she got and Levi knew that asshole had hell to pay for doing that to his own family.

He squashed the bottle in his hand angrily, wincing as he realized he'd cracked the plastic. They would need to buy a new one...though they could afford it now, there was a time when they couldn't. Levi would never forget.

Who needed that asshole anyway? The only thing that bastard had done was provide the sperm that birthed him. Levi shuddered at the thought of ever turning out like that man. He thought he'd rather die than see that day.

The alarm clock buzzed loudly, cutting through the stillness inside the house. He glanced at the clock by his pillow and grinned. It was six o' clock already. The perfect time for the second part of his plan.


Vicky nervously picked at her food, sneaking looks at her father and mother as they bustled about busily through the kitchen. She wondered what they'd do if they knew she'd had her first kiss yesterday.

In their house.

On the couch. (Axky would probably burn the couch.)

But for now the parents were oblivious, with Axky yelling instructions into the phone evidently very annoyed with something so early in the morning.

Paula was also on the phone talking to her agent about the latest interview scheduled for Ellen.

Vicky smiled as she ate her toast, butterflies forming in her tummy as she reviewed the kiss in her head.

It had been amazing! Their noses hadn't bumped and their teeth hadn't clanged together, Levi hadn't stopped midway to say it didn't feel right and they should just be friends...

She would probably have moved all the way to the desolate islands of Antarctica to live among penguins if he had friend-zoned her.

Well he hadn't and now they had a super romantic month planned out by their Spanish teacher.

Starting off with watching any Spanish film. She still hadn't thought of which one, she just knew it would be a date.                          (A/N: any suggestions for super romantic Spanish films?)

"What do you mean the server crashed again?" yelled Axky into the phone snapping her out of her reverie. "It's not possible. The back up data can't just disappear!"

Paula disconnected her call to look at Axky worriedly. Her husband was pacing back and forth in the kitchen, his free hand messing up his hair and rigid tension coiling up in his muscles.

"Look I need a meeting with Walters. As soon as possible." said Axky firmly. "His company is falling apart and I can't be a magician and fix things if he won't talk to me. I need to speak to him personally or he can kiss goodbye to Walter Games."

"Son of a bitch." concluded Axky as he hung up. Vicky and Paula were looking at him expectantly.

"Some group is trying to sabotage Walter Games. We are losing a lot of sensitive data and codes." he explained. "in such situations we need to investigate the purpose and intentions of the malicious attackers as well. Especially since I couldn't trace them."

Vicky bit her lip and nodded. Her father was up against some really strong opponents this time. She had faith that he'd find the attackers soon enough and bring them to justice.

"I really need to meet the owner, some guy called Gavin Walters." said Axky sitting down and starting on his breakfast. "He refuses to agree to any meeting invites. It's his company for goodness's sake. This is the worst form of cooperation I've ever seen from any founder."

Vicky sighed as she looked out of the window. Hopefully Mr. Walters would come to his senses and trust her father. Then everything would be alright.


Hi everyone,

I haven't been keeping very well lately. Horrible cough and clogged nose makes me more miserable than when battling a full fever. The medicine seems to  be helping though and i can breathe better now.

 Yay for doctors and medicines.☺☺

I love you guys. Next update is this weekend.

Take care, stay warm and don't get wet in the rain like i did.

Lots of love,


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