Twenty-Four: Before (9)

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welcome back to the book from ur girl who's bad at updating !!!

anyways enjoy more backstory to this big old thing. a few more and we FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED TO EVERYONE.

also just to be mean: is kellin dead in the present? did vic manage to bring him back? and if he did? what price did he pay for it? oh well.


Five months before.

"IT'S HIS FAULT," Dan screamed, pointing an accusatory finger right at me. "I ONLY GOT CAUGHT BECAUSE-"

"Because you're an incompetent wizard," I chirped back in a bored voice, turning my gaze back to my nails. I was hovering in the air, as if I was lying in a hammock but obviously there was no support beneath me. Just my body floating seven feet in the air, trying my best to ooze this calm, collected exterior and it certainly was working. My nonchalant breeziness was pissing the already on edge Dan Keyes off.

And I loved it.

"Excuse me," he spluttered out in shock, his eyes bulging in his head.

I shrugged, "your incompetence is excused."

Dan's face quickly turned a few shades darker, his fists clenching by his side in obvious anguish.

"Now Dan," Ryan said calmly, trying to soothe his friend's nerves. "Just tell me what happened - without shouting."

Dan sucked in a breath, ripping his gaze from mine and trying to calm down. "I was coming to meet you, like I do every Wednesday, by the water tower."

"And you got detention instead," I drawled.

"Because of you!" Dan screeched, snapping his attention back to me. "Who else knows exactly which route I take and when-"

"Not me, Danibear," I said grinning slightly, rolling over so that I hovered now on my stomach, my legs kicking slowly behind me as I rested my chin on my palms. "Unfortunately for you, I don't pay so much notice to what you get up to."

"You're just jealous of me," Dan spit in my direction, shoving a meaty finger in my direction again. "Because I have what you want."

I stopped kicking my legs abruptly, my eyebrows raising. "And what's that, darling? It certainly isn't your looks or personality - and well, your spell casting is average, now isn't it?"

Dan fumed and I laughed, practically being able to see the smoke coming out of his ears.

"You're going to regret this, Fuentes," he spoke harshly.

"How you gonna do that honey?" I smiled. "You going to try and project your stupid string of thoughts into my head?"

I tapped my temple with my finger, letting my legs swing aimlessly again. "I blocked you out remember? It did take me a while, but I'll always - always - be better than you Daniel."

"Not when it comes to the thing you want most," he smirked.

My interest sparked, I couldn't help it so I bit. "Yeah, honey? What's that?"

"Kellin," Dan replied swiftly and now he laughed, noticing how tense my jaw suddenly became.

"Kellin?" Ryan said, unsure of himself. "Why would Vic want..."

Ryan knew that his boyfriend and I had some sort of feud - he had assumed that both of us were just threatened by the other's magical abilities. He didn't know it stemmed farther than that - that for some fucking reason Dan was out to get me. I still couldn't figure out why Dan was so intent on ruining my life and I was beginning to think that it had to do with the fact that I had mastered something that he thought made him unique.

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