Twenty-Six: Before (9 and a half)

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your girl's a tease with these


Five months before.

I had always wondered how powerful I really was. I made it a point to test my abilities on a daily level, to keep discovering how far I could push my magic to go.

Ever since I had first discovered that I could literally do anything - that's what I began to do. Any new types of magic I came across, i practiced and worked at until I had mastered it. Some I could master  in a few hours but others took days even weeks sometimes. But at the end of the day, I always - always - figured it out.

But I wasn't supposed to be able to have visions. That wasn't something that ranged in the field of normal magic. That was something rare, people believed that those kinds of gifts happened because of some supernatural interference at birth. Being a reader, a seer, a manipulator and all the rest of it were all things that just happened. My own gift was that I could do all forms of magic, but not that I could indulge myself in any more luxuries.

But I had a vision.

I was powerful enough that I had managed to have a vision. It only happened once, but it was enough. .

I couldn't figure out what was happening, I couldn't decipher what I was seeing and if anything it just made me more confused than before. It was like I had induced this vision but forgotten to read the instructions and now I couldn't figure out how to work the damn thing.

But the one thing that vision did help me figure out was that after I saw it, I suddenly understood why Danielle had been so frightened.

I vomited for a week straight after that.

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