Twenty-Eight: Before (10)

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i genuinely thought i'd never update again because i don't ship kellic or even listen to their music that much anymore because i've just outgrown everything. blasphemy, i know.
but i couldn't resist the temptation.
i stopped writing because it just felt like i was working too hard and everything else wasn't big enough for the amount of effort i was putting in y'know?

but it's super late at night and i couldn't help myself to just go for it. so, i might not update again and it might be a super long time till i do - but hey, consider this a gift.

and if you actually like my stuff - drop me a few hints on my message board? because if enough of you give enough compelling arguments about my stuff - i just might have enough motivation to finish this lol

anyway love you guys for sticking around so long! enjoy the madness


Two months before.

I hadn't seen Dani in days. Nobody had.

I knew she was scared - she had become a lot more paranoid these last few weeks and I wasn't sure why. She'd stopped sleeping, barely ate and always looked at me as if I was a stranger before she relaxed and realized that it was just me. She'd become so tense that she had almost bitten her nails into bloody stumps and refused to speak to anybody that wasn't me.

But I had tracked her down to the field behind the school, where she was pacing back and forth. Her hair had lost its colour and vibrancy, looking duller and brittler than I'd ever seen it before. Her eyes had almost sunk into her cheekbones from the lack of sleep and I could count the bones in her hands if I wanted to.

God, I was so stressed about this girl I thought my heart would cave in. She was all the friends I had left.

Kelllin hadn't spoken to me in three months - and everytime I saw him, he'd duck and run away from me. Nobody else mattered to me except Kellin and Dani, so I found that I soon had no friends after Dan started sprouting bullshit rumors about me and driving everyone away.

No friends at all because Dani was the only one left and she was literally losing her mind and I couldn't help her because she kept disappearing.

It was out of sheer luck that I had even found her in the field. God knows what she was doing out here or what she was trying to hide from. What was happening to her? Why was she suddenly such a wreck?

"Why won't you speak to me anymore?" I asked her as I approached, but Danielle just shook her head and turned her entire body away from me.

She'd started hiding her face from me more often, so as to prevent me from being able to read her expressions - but also to prevent me from seeing how thin she'd been getting. Since she'd started hiding everything from me, I'd adapted to reading her better. She hated that I knew her so well, so she'd become more reclusive and shut me out more these last few days.

Still, the few words she spoke to me on the rare occasion was still infinitely more than what she spoke to anybody else.

She hadn't been coming to classes, hadn't been seen inside the school for a while and all her dorm mates had told me that she hadn't been sleeping there for a few nights.

It was a miracle she hadn't been thrown into detention - and if she had, in this current state of hers? I think she would have died in the dungeons.

"I don't speak to anyone anymore," she said, her voice soft and frail, making me feel that if she spoke any louder her entire voice box would shatter like glass.

"I'm not anyone," I said defiantly. "Dani, look at you. What are you doing to yourself?"

"I'm just tired," she replied weakly. "I just need to sleep."

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