Chapter 6

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Will I ever find my mate and would he still want me? I doubt it.

Jake's POV

"It's time that we leave." I announced. 6 months ago, I agreed to come and help the Moon River Pack. They were a pack that was steadily climbing the rankings. They were the 5th largest pack in the world with 427 members but lacked training and skill. We were the 3rd largest pack in the world with an impressive 682 members but due to the size and the proximity of Moon River Pack, we proposed an alliance. Moon River Pack was only 3hours away, running in wolf form making them ideal allies should we ever come under attack which was looking increasingly more likely due to the rise in the number of rouges. The deal was sealed when I volunteered to travel there and spend around 6 months training them up. My father, had said it would be a good for me because I was, after all, next in line to be alpha. I had taken my two best mates, Luke who was going to be my beta and Sam who was going to be my 3rd in command, amongst around 50 other pack members. John, my father, the current alpha of Silver Lake Pack was a man wallowing in grief and self pity for his lost mate, Emily. Ever since she died protecting me during an attack from rouges when I was 6, father changed. He became cruel, mean and heartless. He never offered me any praise and only focused on my weak points. He was training me to be cold hearted like him but I couldn't be. I wanted to be full of emotion and feeling and to be able to share that with my mate when I find her. At 16, it would be unusual for me to find my mate so young, but not impossible. It is rare for a werewolf to find their mate until around 18 or older. I am desperate to meet her, to hold her, to love her.

"We're on our way back." I mind linked father. "Ok." He replied, seeming slightly preoccupied, so I asked him what he was doing. I could virtually hear his smirk as he replied "I'm about to have some fun with my new toy..." before shutting off the mind link. I growled in anger and frustration knowing full well his 'toy' world be a werewolf girl. Ever since Emily's death, he pleasures himself in being violent to werewolf girls and it disgusts me. I have always tried to help the girls as much as I can without father finding out. Sam and Luke looked at me, giving me a knowing glance. I nodded to confirm their judgements. They know what my father does and know how I feel about it. I shook my head and shifted into my large black wolf. Because of the alpha blood in me, I am a lot larger than omega wolves. Omega's head's only just come to my shoulder or below. Shaking away the feeling of anger, I start to run home, my pack following. I let my wolf take over as we speed home.

Rea's POV

I lay curled up in a fetus position on the floor in the corner of the room, trembling. Alpha John had just had his fun with me and was now lying, panting on the bed. "Get up, you slut. My son is returning and there will be a party held in his favour. You will accompany me." He snarled. I started shaking but struggled to my feet in silence, keeping my eyes on the floor. "You will not speak unless spoken to, you will be polite, you will stay by my side always and you will keep your head down, eyes on the floor. If you're told to look up, you will not make eye contact with anyone. Understood?" He hissed at me. "Y-yes s-sir." I stuttered. "I shall not be held responsible for the consequences if you break those rules." He laughed maliciously.

He told me what to wear and I sighed. What choice did I have? He had chosen a pale, blue dress that hugged me all over. It came to my mid thigh and was very low at the front. I was wearing a silver necklace (not real silver of course because real silver burns us werewolves) with light blue stones hanging from it. I had bare legs and light blue heels. John put most if my hair up into a messy bun, leaving a few bits hanging at the front which he curled. He added a light blue flower to my hair before applying mascara, lipstick and eyeliner. Then, he let me see myself in the mirror. I had to admit I looked pretty hot but I was so thin. Painfully so. This wasn't me. I felt exposed and not modest. I dislike the low cut of the dress and how much of my legs are showing. Luckily, none of my bruises are visible except for one on my arm but it is fading quickly thanks to my werewolf healing. All of my cuts and scars are hidden beneath my clothes on my stomach and back. Linking his arm with mine, he led me downstairs. I kept my head down an eyes to the floor as I'd been instructed, not even when looking up when someone announced the arrival of Jake and his men. An amazing smell of pinewood filled my nostrils but I dared not look up. I could feel John's eyes boring into me and I shifted uncomfortably.

Jake's POV

I entered the room and was immediately engulfed by the intoxicating smell of vanilla. It was divine! I spotted my father with a girl linked onto his arm. I was guessing she was his new 'toy' from her behaviour. Her head was bowed, her eyes fixed in the floor. However, even without seeing her face, I could tell she was breathtakingly, beautiful. Her dress complimented her figure beautifully but was very revealing. She was perfect, well, she would be if she wasn't so horribly thin. As I approached, I saw father tug her arm causing her to look up at me. I gasped. Her face was so beautiful, so delicate. Her eyes held such sadness that I wondered what had happened to her. I wanted her to look into my eyes as my wolf seemed to be fidgeting but she refused to. She looked anywhere but my eyes, no doubt another order from father. She plastered a smile onto her face and greeted me. "Good evening. A pleasure." She murmured. Although her smile was so obviously fake, it was still dazzlingly beautiful. She was still looking up and although she wasn't looking me in the eye, I could tell she was trying to examine me discreetly. I was about to reply when father used his spare arm to pinch her. Pain shot through her eyes as she bowed her head once again and looked down to the floor. For some reason, I flinched. There was something about her...


The image is of Douglas Booth who plays Jake <3 Hope you love him 

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