An Exciting A/N

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I have published a new story! Please go check it out, I have great plans for it!

The Girl Who Captured His Heart...

Aria is maid, loved by the royal family, but a maid. Her mother was once best friends with the queen, her lady in waiting. Aria has always been a royal favourite and has captured the heart of Charles...

Charles, the young and wild handsome young man, is the king and queen's only son. He is the only heir to the throne, expected to marry a princess. But he only has eyes for one girl; his heart has been captured...

Will fate allow the maid and the heir to the throne to be together? Or does fate have other plans. And what of Richard, a man seeming determined to destroy her. Will their difference of status in society rip them apart forever? Will Richard succeed in destroying her?

Read The Girl Who Captured His Heart to find out wether true love really can win over status and expectations.

Aria-Amanda Seyfried
Charles-Max Irons
Andrew-Douglas Booth

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