Chapter 10

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"Jake... You came! I-I love-" was all I managed to get out before I fainted in the arms of my beloved, feeling truly safe for the first time since my mother's death.

Jake's POV

She fainted in my arms. I held her close and emerged from the house. I decided not to shift as I wouldn't be able to carry her so I used my werewolf speed to get us home. I took her straight to our bed so she could have a peaceful sleep.

Rea's POV

I awoke on a comfy bed. Weird. I opened my eyes to see a man lying next to me, his eyes closed. I screamed based on instinct but Rosie hushed me. "Hush. Look who it is." So I did. I looked to see Jake looking at me wide eyed. "What is it? What's wrong?" He asked panicked. I snuggled close to him as he wrapped his arms around me. "I-I thought you w-were someone else. Sorry." I told him truthfully. I felt him stiffen but he quickly relaxed and just held me. "How long was I asleep?" I asked curiously. "5 hours." He answered. I gasped. "You were so tired that your body just kept you asleep so you could heal." I nodded in understanding and stretched. "How about we get you checked out by the pack doctor quickly and then grab something to eat?" He suggested. "You must be starving!" He added when he saw my body shape. I flushed a little before I started to panic. What if the doctor said something about my... about my miscarriage?

"Hello Luna! So glad your back with us. We have all missed you." I blushed a little casing Jake to growl but I put my hand on his arm. "Please, call me Rea." I told him softly. He nodded before leading me into the examination room. As if sensing my uneasiness with Jake, he turned to him. "Alpha. Perhaps you would like to wait outside while I examine her?" Jake growled. "I am staying here with my mate!" "Disaster!" Muttered Rosie. "Tell me about it!" I replied causing her to chuckle. "Jake. I'll be fine." I told him gently. He pouted at me so I kissed his cheek. "Please?" He huffed. "Fine! It's never fair. I never have a chance against you in these arguments!" He mumbled, leaving the room. "Miss Rea, I presume there is a reason you didn't want your mate present, other than him seeing all your bruises, cuts, burns and scars?" I took a deep breath and nodded. "Doctor-" "Call me James." I nodded again. "James. During my time there, I had a m-m-miscarriage..." I saw his eyes widen but I continued pretending I hadn't seen his reaction. "I wanted you to check if I would ever be able to bear a healthy baby/babies with Jake... This pack needs an heir and he needs a mate who can provide one." I finished sadly.

Unknown POV

"She what?!" I asked dangerously to the man cowering before me. "Sh-She g-got away." He stuttered nervously. "Dammit Thomas! I only have you the authority of alpha of rouges to get her! John bought her right to you! Where is John?" I roared. "He-he was taken captive by the Silver Lake Pack." I growled. "Send a trained rouge in to get him out. Don't come back to me until that happens." I ordered. "Then, we will put plan B into action." I laughed evilly. Oh Rea, just you wait. You will be mine soon and I will have control over all the powers the moon goddess bestowed upon you herself.

Jake's POV

Rea emerged from the room with the doctor just behind. "Alpha." He started as she came up to me, wrapping herself onto my left side. "She has lots of minor cuts and bruises. She has a few burns and a couple of nasty looking, deep gashes. I have put lotion onto everything. Apart from that, she looks healthy. Although, she needs more flesh on her bones. She cannot loose anymore weight." He stated looking at me seriously. I nodded. I knew her skeletal body would die if it was any thinner and I could not live with that. I picked her up and took her to the kitchen. "I can walk, you know?!" She told me. "I know. I prefer it this way though. Now, food!" She laughed as I put her onto a chair and started picking ingredients out if the cupboards. I cooked her a large, hot breakfast. She loved it but couldn't finish it all. I tried to suppress my disappointment. It isn't her fault, I knew her body wouldn't be able to cope with so much food after so long of eating only scraps or nothing." She sat watching the TV as I tidied away breakfast. I was dreading the conversation to come. I have to know what happened to her but I didn't want to re-open closing wounds... And yet, I didn't want to wait until they were healed as best as they could be before asking her. I would ask her today. I need to know.

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