Chapter 22

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"Mia. When will you learn not to be so trusting? I almost didn't catch you." I sighed. "Sorry Mummy." She replied, giving me the puppy eyes. I shook my head. She was impossible!

Mia's POV

"Mummy. I'm going to get some food!" She nodded at me and let go of my hand. I walked over to the table piled high with food and pondered the situation. What should I get to eat? I'm so hungry! "Hello again Mia." I froze. That voice. Slowly, I turned around to see Alpha Thomas. I backed away slowly. He had been responsible for leading the attack that killed my real parents and brother. I slammed into something hard. A wall. No, a body. I turned around only to be met with Alpha John. The man who'd aided Thomas to kill my family. I growled at them and opened my mouth to scream but John slapped his hand over my mouth. "Sshh. I wouldn't do that if I were you, girly." He hissed. Rea. Mum. Where's mum? "Mum! Help me! John and Thomas-" my mind link connection with her broke as Thomas shoved something into my arm. The world started to go blurry and I had no idea if mum had got my message. Save me please! Then, darkness took over me.

Rea's POV

"Mummy! I'm going to get some food!" Mia told me and I nodded. I let go of her hand and watched as she made her way to the food table. I turned my attention back to Jake, Sam and Luke. It appeared that John and Thomas had not yet been found. I frowned and rubbed my temples. Where were they? Thomas was the alpha of the rouges but from what I understood, he was working for someone else...? My thoughts were suddenly interrupted with Mia's frantic voice in my head. "Mum! Help me! John and Thomas-" then her connection broke and I started panicking. "Mia? Mia! MIA!!" I called but got no response. What had happened. Rosie snarled in fury. Where was Mia? What had Alpha's John and Thomas done? "Rea! Darling! What's wrong?" Called Jake, his voice distant. I growled. "Alpha John and Alpha Thomas." I spat out. "They. Have. Mia." I ground out, gritting my teeth in anger. Others could clearly feel the tension and anger rolling off me as they turned to stare, shocked. Without warning, Rosie surged to the surface and I shifted. Not that I wanted to stop her. It would be easier and quicker for her to find Mia. I let Rosie take control and using our powers, we sped into the forest catching her scent. No normal werewolf could keep up and Jake was left behind. He cursed but he'd find me. He could just follow my scent. "Hurry!" I urged Rosie. Rosie nodded and used all our powers to run faster than any creature on the earth. The trees flew by, nothing more than a blur and the wind we created brushed against my fur.

Mia's POV

I woke in a dark room with a groggy head. I groaned. Pain. I looked down to see I was tied to a chair with silver bonds and my hands were handcuffed behind my back using silver. The silver burnt my skin and through my clothes as I hissed in pain. "Ah! Mia!" I turned to see John approaching me. I bared my teeth at him and growled, narrowing my eyes. "Let. Me. Go." I snarled, spitting at him. He just chuckled. "So spirited yet so helpless." He stopped laughing and sobered up. "I'd watch that mouth if I was you. It might just get you killed one day." He gritted out, slapping me. "Rea is going to find you. And she will kill you." I threatened. Another laugh made me turn my head and I saw Thomas casually leaning against the wall. "But my dear! That is exactly what we want! You are our bait. We will trap her, kill her then kill you." I snorted at him. "I would wish you luck because you will need it but, of course, I don't give a f*ck about you." Within a blink of an eye, Thomas flew at me at impossible speed, pushing me against the wall. I hissed out in pain as my hands handcuffed to the chair behind my back were smashed against the wall. "Don't underestimate us." He snarled. "Rea. Is. Weak. She. Will. Die." He slapped my face and I closed my eyes, refusing to cry. The silver. The pain. The burns. Rea. I love you. Please save me. Then, the world blacked out.

Rea's POV

Where is she?! I can't contact her through our mind link. Rosie growled at me. "What have they done?" She growled. "I don't know!" I snapped in frustration. How could they have found her? "Just hurry!"

"She's in there." I nodded at Rosie and shifted, much to her disagreement. There was no one outside so I crept indoors. "Rea! You're here! I thought you'd have been cleverer and brought back up." I snarled at John. "I. Did." I lied. Suddenly I was pushed against the wall, his hand wrapped around my throat. "Don't lie to me kitten." He hissed. I growled and pushed him off me. He flew across the room and called in some back up as my eyes glowed. "Boys!" He called. I stalked towards him but was knocked down by a brown wolf. I pushed him off me and saw 4 others in the doorway. I narrowed my eyes and leapt into the air, lunging at them. I let Rosie take control and shifted midair, colliding with the wolves. Without hesitation, Rosie used her royal and Luna blood and instincts to kill all 4. I turned to take out the other who'd I'd thrown against the wall when I felt a needle pushed into my shoulder. "Jake! Alpha Thomas and John have Mia and I. I know you'll find us... follow our scents-"

Jake's POV

"Jake! Alpha Thomas and John have Mia and I. I know you'll find us... follow our scents-" I punched the wall in frustration. Why did she have to go alone? Why couldn't she have organised back up? Argh! She can't keep being kidnapped! Ugh. David growled at me in anger but I shut him out. I couldn't be doing with his anger and heartbreak as well. "Luke! Sam! Order our best trackers and fighters. We are going to find them."

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