Chapter 17

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I laughed along with him but deep down, I was terrified. I didn't realise what my powers were capable of and I just found out how extreme they were. Somehow, I knew it was only going to get worse. I knew I had other, stronger powers but I didn't know what... Yet.

Rea's POV

I decided to go for a run in the woods. I shifted in my room so I could admire my white wolf. Vein, I know but hey! I was curious. My attention was caught when I saw a marking on my left hindquarters. It was the symbol of royalty, the crown with two staffs crossing. However, it was slightly different as it was surrounded with a circle of flames. Why did I suddenly have that now? Then I remembered what Abe had told me. "When you start using/practising your magic, a symbol will appear on your fur." I'll have to tell him it's appeared when I see him tomorrow. I'll also have to tell him about Nate. I mind linked Jake telling him I was going for a run before dashing into the forest, letting Rosie have control.

I came to a stop as something felt wrong. Growls erupted from the trees and I was stunned to see around 20 wolves emerge from behind the trees. I sniffed the air. Rouges. I tried to back away but the circle tightened and I was trapped. I drew myself up to my full height and let out a fierce snarl. A man stood out from amongst the wolves. "Well, hello Rea. You're coming with us." I growled threateningly but before I could lunge at him, howl or mind link anyone, he leapt towards me and stuck a needle into my fur just above my shoulder. I felt Rosie bristle with anger and indignation. I suddenly felt myself shift involuntarily (thank the Lord I still have my clothes on) and then my eyelids started to feel heavy and I feel into a deep sleep.

Jake's POV

Where is she? She went running ages ago! I hope her father didn't find her. He escaped before he left that note and I hadn't the heart to tell her, though she probably figured it out already.

Rea's POV

When I woke, I was in a dark cell. Looking around, I saw chains hanging from the walls. That, however, wasn't what shocked me the most. What shocked me was I was seeing everything with thick, black bars blocking them. I was in a cage. I rose to my feet to see my cage was inside of a dark room with a locked door. I went over to the door of the cage. Locked; as I expected.

"Finally awake. The alpha wants to see you. First, eat this." I looked down and scowled. There were two bread rolls that looked old and disgusting. I scowled and chucked them away. The man approached me and chuckled. "Learn to control that temper or you'll regret it around Alpha Thomas!" I raised an eyebrow questioningly. "He's Alpha of the rouges." I narrowed my eyes. "There is no such thing. You rouges are rouges for reason. I will never refer to him as an Alpha." I spat. His facial features hardened as he brought back the rolls. "Eat them. There's nothing else." Reluctantly I took them and ate them while he went off; to find Thomas I assumed. When I'd eaten the rolls, which were stale as I'd expected, I decided to try and call my wolf. "Rosie Where are you?" I asked softly. Something felt wrong. "She's asleep. She won't let you shift... Or mind link anyone" I jumped when I saw a man sanding behind me. He looked to be in his late 20's, early 30's and he was smirking at me so I glared at him. "What do you mean?" "Well, we are keeping her asleep. We put some stuff in your food and we can inject you with wolf sedation if you don't eat the food with it in." He shrugged and I gasped when I realised I had just basically seated myself! "I'm sorry Rosie!" The man smirked at me again. Seriously! What is it with him smirking? "How dare you!" I ground out with clenched teeth. The man growled and opened the cage door. I shrank away into the farthest corner. I may have a large mouth at the wrong time but I'm not dumb. He strode over to me and slapped me; if the bars of the cage hasn't supported me, I'd have fallen over. "Don't you dare answer me back." He hissed in my ear. He was far to close for my liking so I pushed him away. His eyes narrowed and he grabbed my hair pulling me out the cage. "Get your filthy hands off me!" I spat, fuming. How dare he! Ignoring me, he dragged me out the cell, along the dark, damp corridors and up some stairs. Great! I'd been in the dungeons.

He opened a door and shoved me in, making sure to lock the door behind him. I looked up to see nothing but a kingsize bed and dark, rich red wallpaper. Before I could say anything, he backhanded me across my right cheek so hard, l fell to the floor, gasping. "You do not order me around!" He leant in close to my ear. "Am I understood?" I looked up at him but didn't answer. Grabbing my chin so I couldn't turn away, he slapped me again before snarling "answer me!"

"Yes" I whimpered.

"Yes what?" I looked at him blankly which only made his anger flare further. "You address me as 'master!'" He growled with such anger, I flinched. "Yes... Master." I whispered. He smirked and patted my head. "Good girl. Now, I have someone for you to meet."

He led me out of the room, along the winding corridors and into a new room where a figure stood with his back to us. Even without seeing his face, I stiffened knowing exactly who this person was. Father.

"Sir." The man holding my arm called and father turned around. Why would an Alpha be calling my father sir!? What an earth was going in with these rouges' ranking and status'? His eyes lit up when he saw me. "Ah! My beloved fighter. Thomas, leave the room." Thomas let go and left. I heard a click after him. He'd locked the bloody door leaving me alone with father. Damn. There isn't even an escape. "Rea. So, you're the chosen one." I flinched at his tone as he advanced towards me. "Let me go father." He looked at me and pretended to ponder it. "How about... No!" He snarled. I backed away until I hit a wall. "Alpha Jake will find you and kill you all." I informed him with more strength and conviction I believed in. Mark just roared with laughter before advancing toward me. "No one is coming to save you." I snarled, slapping me, hard. I winced and brought my hand up to my right cheek, succeeding in angering him more. "Bitch." He growled before punching my head. My eyesight started to go blurry and I developed a killer headache. Suddenly the world went dark.

Jake's POV

I started pacing. Where an earth is she? She left yesterday. She can't be that remorseful over the whole Nate thing surely!? Something is wrong. I can feel it. I sense she's in danger. Damn it! What am I going to do? I howled in frustration before going in search of Luke and Sam.

Unknown POV

You will be with me soon Rea. I will win the war using your powers. You will submit to me. You will obey me.

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