Chapter 19

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Before being able to get up, I felt John grab my hair. "Now for those punishments." He snarled happily, dragging me to the basement.

Jake's POV

We stood and surrounded the area. Waiting. Dawn had just risen and we had arrived for when. Everyone was just waking up. We entered the house, taking them by surprise making the battle quick and easy. Most people had the sense to run away, a few tried to fight but we killed them easily and quickly. Letting my wolf take over, he led us to Rea.

Rea's POV

*1 month later*

I relaxed in the bath and smiled. Today had been a successful session with Abe and I could feel my powers coming stronger. I was beginning to find them easier to summon and easier to use. It wasn't as exhausting as it was when I first learnt how to and my breathing came naturally now. Since my return from being kidnapped, I had focused on getting back in top form. I trained even harder and focused my time to aid my pack and Moon River's Pack. In my spare time, I researched much as I could about the Red Wolves, Kieran and their weaknesses. Abe had informed me that although I had escaped and they had fled when Jake came for me, they were still preparing to attack. We only have 5-7 months now.

The next day, I awoke to see Jake already gone and I could hear a commotion downstairs. I slipped on my dressing gown and went downstairs to see what was going on. Luke was talking to Jake and a little girl was standing there, shaking. As soon as she looked up, she broke into a smile. "Mia!" I called. "Rea!" She replied excitedly, running towards me. She leapt and I caught her in the air, popping her onto my hip whilst laughing. "You have serious trust issues. What if I hadn't caught you?" I laughed. She just shrugged and smiled. "You would have." Jake turned to and raised an eyebrow. "You know her?" He asked. "Yup." I confirmed, popping the 'p'. "She saved me from Alpha John. He was going to hit me and then she appeared out of nowhere and saved me! She took the hit for me!" Mia blurted out before I could stop her. I saw admiration shine through the people's eyes who'd heard and Jake approached me. He gave me an awkward hug, considering I was still carrying Mia, and tutted. "Rea. What am I going to do with you?" He sighed. I smiled at him and pecked on the cheek. "Nothing. You know you love me just how I am." I replied cheekily, knowing he couldn't argue.

"So Mia, what are you doing here?" I asked her. Everyone had just left and I was sitting next to Mia at the kitchen table with the boys, i.e Jake, Sam, Luke and Nate. Tip: never let Nate into the kitchen unsupervised. He can burn water! The boys had cooked a proper, full English breakfast: hash browns, eggs, beans, fried bread, sausages, bacon, mushrooms and onions. They sat across from us and we dug in. They were eager to hear why Mia was here too. "My parents and older brother were killed. The rouges attacked our pack, led by Alpha Thomas and Alpha John. They killed my parents and 15yr old brother. They took me and forced me to work for them. When they fled, I knew I could escape and I could only think of you Miss Rea." I smiled at her, saddened to think she saw her parents and brother killed, probably before her very own eyes. "It's just Rea. You don't have to call me Miss." I told her and she hugged me. "How old are you Mia?" "5." So young. "What pack were you from?" I asked, eyeing Jake. We knew that Hollow Star Pack had been attacked by rouges not too long ago. "Hollow Star Pack." She confirmed. I sighed. I knew it. Poor girl. She's only 5. "Rea..." She looked up at me and bit her lip before looking back down. "Yes?" She looked up at me again, looking very nervous. "Will you be my mum?" She asked. I gasped. "Mia! I'd love to adopt you as my daughter!" I exclaimed. "Would that be ok?" I asked Jake through our mind link as an after thought. Oops. He just laughed. "Of course. Anything for you." He replied and I thanked him, squealing with delight. Mia jumped up in delight and threw her arms around my neck. "Mummy! I have a mum!" She screamed causing the males in the room to tear up slightly. I laughed. "Mia, this is Jake my mate." I introduced him and he bent down. "Hello Mia. I'd love for you to know me as daddy." Her eyes widened and she shyly smiled. "I have a daddy!" She exclaimed. "I found a new mummy and daddy in one day!" The three guys in the room stepped forward, also bending down and introducing themselves. "How about we add to that?" Chuckled Nate. "I'm Nate, that's Luke and that's Sam." He pointed to the others in turn. "You can call us uncle. We'd love you to be our niece!" Concluded Luke. Mia's mouth dropped open as she ran back to me. "Mummy! I've found a whole family in one day!" I picked her up and kissed her cheek. "So you have darling." I confirmed and she hugged me again, for the millionth time. "Someone's going to be a mummy's girl." Nate sung innocently. Mia playfully glared at him while I slapped his arm. I could tell he was going to be a great uncle.

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