Chapter 8

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Rea's POV

A voice laced with fury echoed through the corridor and we looked up. There, standing a few feet away, was John. He stood, shaking with fury, his eyes black. I started shaking and involuntarily took a step back, behind Jake. The alpha was furious.

Jake's POV

There stood John, shaking in anger. Rea took a step back behind me she started trembling violently. I looked at her worriedly. What had my father done to her? I looked back at my father to see him approaching us. I could feel my wolf pushing for control as I growled warningly at John. "How dare he do this to our mate!" Hissed a furious David. "I know but letting you have control wont help the situation! If I can't resolve it, I'll let you but I am trying first." I compromised with him. He huffed but knew it was the best deal I was going to offer. "Father. Get away from her." I snarled, using the tone he used on me. I stepped right in front of her and glared at my father. John just laughed at me. "You can't tell me what to do. I'm your father!" He hissed venomously. "She is mine. I bought her." I growled at the word bought. She was a human, not an object to be sold and owned. "She is mine!" I retaliated threateningly, trying my hardest to control my temper before doing something I'll regret. Father saw my anger just beneath the surface and went for another tactic. "Why would you want her as your mate? She's just a common girl. Do you know what I've done to her and what she's done to me?" I heard her gasp behind me. My patience was paper thin. He was playing with fire. "She's just a slut. A whore." That was the final straw. I lunged at him, shifting mid air letting my wolf take control. He did the same and we met with a thunderous crash. We landed on the floor and immediately stood up, circling each other. I made the first move. We snapped at each other and I was slowly but surely winning. He may be the alpha but I was younger and had had the best training thanks to his regime of all work no play. Eventually, it reached the point where I could simply snap his neck and kill him. I was about to do it when I suddenly hesitated. Could I do this? Could I really kill my own father? Seeing my hesitation, he lunged forward and bit my stomach. I howled in pain and collapsed as blood gushed out me. The last thing I saw was father running off with a screaming Rea and Luke and Sam running towards me shouting for the doctor. I will rescue you Rea. Just hold on a little longer... For me. Please. Then, the world went black.

Rea's POV

I could see Jake was winning. He was younger and an amazing fighter. My wolf and I already love him so much and I am thrilled to have found my mate. Even better, I was thrilled to find out he was nothing like his father. From what I could tell, he was brave, kind and compassionate. Just as Jake was about to go in for the kill, I saw him hesitate slightly. I couldn't blame him. This guy was, after all, his father. Just like with my own, we may not like/adore our fathers but the fact remains they are still our biological fathers. John noticed his sons hesitation and lunged forward, chomping into Jake's stomach. I started screaming, alerting the attention of two boys around Jake's age. As soon as they saw him, their faces paled and they started shouting for the pack doctor. Tears streamed down my face as John grabbed me in his gigantic wolf mouth and ran. I screamed and screamed but it was no use. Jake, hold on for me. I-I already love you. Be safe my precious mate. Stay alive.

Jake's POV

Ugh... I awoke to a pounding headache and the annoying beep beep beep. Where was I? Slowly I opened my eyes to see I was in the pack hospital. I saw Luke and Sam smiling at me. "You're awake!" They chirped merrily. What was I doing here? Why-then it all came back to me. Rea is my mate. Fathers insults. The fight. Me hesitating. It all came back to me crystal clear. Father biting me and running off with- "Where's Rea!?" I gasped. Sam and Luke looked at each other before turning back to me. "Ummm... The thing is Jake, we don't know." Sam told me. "All we can work out is your father has fled the pack, taking Rea with him. We think he's turning into a rouge and will force Rea to as well." Luke rushed on. I blinked in surprise. Wait, I'm alpha of this pack now then? "Why do you think this?" I asked. "We know he is very good friends with the leader of the rouges. Such good friends, John offered him to join our pack but the man refused saying he liked the freedom of being a rouge. We think he's going to join them..." Sam explained as the pack doctor walked in. "Ah! You're awake. Now, if I can-" "Order a mandatory pack meeting now!" I commanded as Luke nodded and rushed out to room to as I asked. "But, you need to-" the doctor started to protest again. "No. There is a pack meeting in a minute and you will be required." I stood up, wobbling a little before walking to the meeting room with Sam hot on my heels. We will find you and rescue you Rea. Just hold on.

I walked into the meeting room to see all 682 members chatting. As I stood at the front, the room silenced. "Thank you for being so prompt everyone! Now I have two pieces of news to share with you. Number one, my father has fled to become a rouge, making me your new alpha..." I paused as cheers roared around the room. I love my pack and know they love me, very much more than they loved father; if they even loved him at all. When silence once again settled, I continued. "...Number two, he has taken my mate and your Luna with him against her will." Bursts of outrage boomed around the room as the pack bristled with indignation. I smiled at their response. They already loved their Luna and they haven't even seen her yet. I started telling them my plan causing the room to fall silent. "I will need around 25 of our best trackers and a large number of men who will support our attack when we find them. We must start right away. Every minute counts!" There was a chorus of agreement when a member shouted "We won't stop until we find her!" Everyone else joined in, chanting it like some magic spell. It took about 30 minutes for me to divide the pack up. All women who had children and or did not want to fight were to stay behind along with all the pups under 18. I decided that I would take 280 fighters because we didn't know how large or skilled the enemy would be. All the other fighters would stay behind and guard the women, children and territory should we come under attack. I am bringing my beta and third in command with me so left a man called Ben in charge of the fighters guarding our home, a man who'd I grown up with and I know is loyal, efficient and trustworthy.

I sent the trackers off a good hour ahead and waited for them to mind link me. Soon, we received word from one indicating that they could sniff a faint trail of John and Rea. Without hesitation, I shifted and started running. Behind me, I heard the ripping of clothes before my pack was thundering though the woods, following my lead. We're coming for you Rea.


Sorry for changing the POV in this chapter so much. :/ It was needed for effect though... ;)

Broken, Found & Savedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें