Chapter 18

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Unknown POV

You will be with me soon Rea. I will win the war using your powers. You will submit to me. You will obey me.

Rea's POV

I woke with a fuzzy head. What is it with me continuously going unconscious? It seems I have no control over when I do or do not sleep. I groan in frustration and see I am curled up on a bed. Wait, a bed?! I sit up to see that guy they call Alpha watching me. Alpha Thomas was it? The one who told me to call him master. "Awake I see. Now, we have some free time and I know what I'm going to do." I shivered and he cackled. "I'm not doing anything dear. Someone else is." With that, he got up and left the room. Seconds later, in strode ex Alpha John.

I paled at the sight of him again and gasped, unwanted memories flooding back. "Rea. How I've missed you so much." He grabbed me and I flinched from his touch causing him to laugh. He roughly grabbed my wrists and pulled me to the bed where he chucked me. He pinned my hands above my head and started kissing me roughly. I squirmed and squealed in an effort to escape but it was fruitless, even with all my extra training prior to my kidnapping. John was stronger than me; especially with the added strength given to an alpha. I should already know that from past experiences. I shivered. He held me in place with ease. He continued to forcefully kiss me when I felt his had slide beneath my top. Within minutes, he had stripped me down to my underwear, his eyes roaming my body, full of lust. I closed my eyes and winced, haunted by all the unwanted memories flooding into my mind. He let go of me and I tried to scramble away but it only took him seconds to fully undress when he came at me again. Pulling me to the bed, he handcuffed my hands to the bed post; severely restricting my movement and preventing my escape. Tears streamed down my face as he removed my bra and pants. He lay on top of me and started kissing my collar bone. He moaned and whispered "Oh how I've missed this Rea."

He was stroking the inside of my thigh when suddenly, I felt his finger inside me. I gasped loudly as he just smirked. "P-please. Stop." I begged but he just carried on. Inserting another finger, before a third and fourth, I screamed. When he finally removed his fingers, I knew what was coming. "N-no! P-please!" I screamed. I whimpered when I felt his 'manhood' enter me. I screamed as he started moving in and out. I had forgotten the intensity of the pain he caused and how big he was. After a while, the pain died down and I had to bite my tongue to stop the moan forming to come out. When he finished, he just led me down the steps and chucked me back into my cage in the dungeon, naked.

The next day, when John came to get me, I kept alert; waiting for my chance to escape. My chance came when he went to the toilet. I dashed out the window and jumped off the balcony without hesitation. Just as I landed at the bottom, I heard him rush to the balcony and see what I'd done. He swore... Very loudly. I stumbled away, running as fast as I could but my stamina and strength was weak. I was suffering from starvation and my wolf Rosie was still under the effects of the sedation. It didn't take long for John to catch me up... And when he did, he was merciless.

He dragged me back to the dungeons and tied me up, beat me to the point of unconsciousness, whipped me till I bled, raped me and continued to severely starve me. I never saw what I looked like in the mirror after that experience but I knew I had bruises, cuts and gashes all over my skeletal body. However, despite my dreadful experience, I know I will take my chance and try to escape at every possible moment.

John keeps me very weak. He keeps my wolf sedated and only gives me enough food and drink to survive and ensures I have the absolute minimum blood in my system meaning that I am very weak and it is easy Jack to use me whenever he wants for whatever he wants. I barely have the energy left in me to fight him. He uses violence and rape as punishments on me and I feel lost, broken and alone.

Jake's POV

"We have to get her!" I growled at Luke as Sam. They had just returned telling me that they had found her. They had found my beautiful mate. "We can't just rush in without a plan. It might get her killed." Argued Sam reasonably. I know he is right but I couldn't help my rash decisions. It's killing me knowing where she is but not being able to do anything about it. I look at Sam and Luke. "We attack at dawn. Plan or no plan."

Rea's POV

I sat curled up in the corner of John's room, waiting for his return. Suddenly, I heard the heart wrending scream of a little girl. My heart broke and I rushed up and out of the room, ignoring the pain shooting through my body. I ignored my protesting limbs and the punishment I knew I would face and followed the scream. I located it to a room and I froze, bile rose to my throat as I took in the scene before me. A girl who looked to be no older than 5 stood shaking, a broken pot at her feet and John had his hand raised in the air, ready to hit her. "You pathetic little slave." He snarled as the little girl closed her eyes in submission, knowing what was to come. It jolted me into action. I rushed forward and covered the girl with my body just in time to receive the slap. The little girl opened her eyes when no hit came and they widened with shock to see me protecting her. "What are you doing? Get. Out!" Roared John. The anger radiating off him caused me flinch and almost submit but then I remembered the girl I was protecting and how scared she looked. I straightened myself up and gently pushed her directly behind me. "No. I will not let you hit this innocent little girl." I snarled back. "Innocent my ass." He spat. "She broke my f*cking vase!" I narrowed my eyes at him. "You. Will. Not. Hit. Her." I ordered, letting my Luna authority seep into every syllable mixed with my royal authority. Any omega would be running from the room, tail between their legs, shaking with nerves by now. But not John. Damn him. "Don't you dare use your Luna and royal tone on me, you slut." He hissed and I managed to cover the girls ears before he called me slut. "Language." I hissed back before whispering "let me take the girl away then you can punish me for leaving your room and for her mistake." He looked at me thoughtfully before smirking at me and agreeing. "Fine."

I turned my back in him and crouched down so I was the same height as the little girl. She was still shaking slightly but not nearly as badly as before. "Thank you...?" She whispered, hugging me. It touched my heart and I hugged her back. "I'm Rea. What's your name?" I asked and pulled away from our hug so I could see her. "Mia." She replied quietly. "What a beautiful name. Mia, run along and I'll see you again soon." "Will you be ok?" She asked and my heart melted. "Of course. I'll see you again very soon." I assured her. "Promise?" I nodded. "Promise." She smiled at me and gave me another big hug before dashing out the room. Before being able to get up, I felt John grab my hair. "Now for those punishments." He snarled happily, dragging me to the basement.

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