Chapter 15

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"I love you." He whispered in my ear. I stiffened slightly. I had never been told that before by anyone. I took a breath and told him four words I've been afraid to say ever since I'd met him. "I love you too."

Rea's POV

I agreed I would lead the speech to tell the packs about myself and my role. We arrived at the pack hall to see everyone already assembled. They we chatting quietly amongst themselves and Jake made his way to the makeshift stage with me following. He cleared his throat and silence fell. "Thank you, everyone. Your Luna has important information for you and looks for your support. I hope you will unite as one and give it to her after she explains. Thank you." Everyone burst into applause and he stepped back, gesturing for me to take centre stage.

I waited for the clapping to die down, shocked how quickly it did. Never before had I been the centre of such attention. Never before had I stood before people who had looks of admiration and respect in their eyes. Clearing my throat, I started, my voice a little shaky to start with. "Silver Lake Pack. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me, even though it was mandatory." I paused as that earned me a few chuckles as I'd hoped. Spurred in by their reaction and silent support, I carried on, my voice getting stronger and stronger.

Jake's POV

A few of the wolves, including myself, chuckled at her comment. I saw her confidence grow and she started speaking again, strong and steady. I love he so much. I admire her deeply and am scared for her. I'm scared that she has to face what's coming alone. I know it is up to her, it is her purpose but I can't stand to think if the danger she'll be in. "As I'm sure many of you will already know, there is a prophecy." She started, cutting straight to the point. "For those of you who don't know about it, the prophecy states that after the last white wolf dies out, another will be sent centuries later, blessed by the moon goddess herself. The chosen one will fight the evil waiting to engulf the world. That evil is the red wolves and their alpha. I know the red wolves are considered a myth by many but believe me when I say they are real. I have seen them with my own eyes. The alpha of the red wolves is growing evermore powerful and evil. Soon, he will strike and war will descend. Their triumph risks unbalancing the harmony and peace werewolves have worked so hard and so long to maintain since revealing our existence. I have been visited by one of the ancient three, Abe, and he has informed me we have around 8-10 months before war will break out. For the benefit of our kind, I beg you to join me in the war. I ask that you prepare yourself. I pray you will join me, the chosen one from the prophecy, to defeat the evil threatening our very existence." She finished and the pack burst into cheers clapping and whooping. They stood and started jumping shouting out their agreement and willing to support her, us. I smiled. He showed so much passion and emotion in her speech that winning over the pack had been so easy. I felt her heart beating fast and I hugged her from behind. "Well done. You have a gift. The gift of speech. They love you and were inspired." I whispered in her ear. I asked for silence once more. "Thank you for your support. We will start training tomorrow. You have today free to do whatever you wish. There will be a gruelling training schedule for the next months. Thank you." I finished and led Rea out of the room, the packs cheers still echoing around the room. Now, time to travel to Moon River Pack. How easy will it be to get them on our side? We'll need them. I am almost certain Kieran will seek support from the rouges and I know rouges total to quite a considerably high number.

Rea's POV

*At Moon River's Pack*

I looked at the mass number of faces looking to me for the second time today. I smiled at them as started my opening. "Thank you everyone for taking the time to attend this meeting at such short notice. As you probably already know, I am mated to Alpha Jake, Alpha of the Silver Lake Pack. I know our two packs are allied should there be a war and it is with regret that I come bearing such news. There will be a war coming up and my pack needs your support and loyalty." I paused as the crowd broke out into whispers. When it started to die down, I continued. "Perhaps you have heard of the prophecy? Perhaps you have not. Perhaps you have heard of the red wolves? Yet again, perhaps you have not. For those of you who haven't, allow me to enlighten you. The prophecy tell us that after the last white wolf dies out, another will be sent centuries later, blessed by the moon goddess herself. The chosen one will fight the evil waiting to engulf the world. That evil, everyone, that evil is the red wolves and their alpha. Alpha Kieran. I know the red wolves are considered a myth by many but you must believe me when I tell you that they they are real. I have seen them with my own eyes. The alpha of the red wolves is growing evermore powerful and evil. Soon, he will strike and war will descend. Their triumph risks unbalancing the harmony and peace us werewolves have worked so hard and so long to maintain since revealing our existence. I have been visited by one of the ancient three, Abe, and he has informed me we have around 8-10 months before war will break out. For the benefit of our kind I beg that you seriously consider joining our pack for the war. We are happy for you to stay on our lands for the next months in the lead up to the war and we will start training as one large pack. We will get to know each other and we will work as one. Together, us werewolves can be unstoppable. We are pack animals. We support each other. We can win this by working together, as a community, as one. So please, reach into the depths of your heart and see the threat this war poses to our existence. I ask that you join is to save our kind." I nodded at them, signalling the end of my speech and the crowd went wild, erupting into loud bursts of cheering. I smiled, awestruck and proud I had inspired such passion amongst these wolves.

The Alpha of Moon River Pack, Alpha Jones, approached me. He shook my hand and nodded, smiling at me. "Rea," he began and the crowd silenced themselves. "I think I may comfortably speak for all of us to say we were moved by your speech. The passion and dedication that oozed out of every word you spoke was amazing. I would be more than willing and happy to give you my support. However, it is not wholly my decision to make. As an Alpha, I am familiar with making such sacrifices." He turned to his pack. "Moon River Pack, do you agree to aid the Silver Lake Pack and The Chosen One in this upcoming war?" His question was met with whoops and cries of agreement. "There. I think you have your answer." He smiled warmly at Jake and I. "We would love to take up on your offer and move to your lands and train with you. We will arrive at the end of the week." Jake nodded and I turned to the crowd once more. "Thank you everyone, from the bottom of my heart and on behalf of the werewolf existence. I look forward to working with you." With that, Jake and I left while the Moon River Pack continued to whoop and cheer.

Once back on Silver Lake territory, I followed Jake to his office. We had to work out a training routine, and fast, we barely have anytime and this war depends on the balance and existence of supernaturals.

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