Chapter 2: Delusional

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Sam knew. Everyone watched the scene unfold, Jacob holding (Name), (Name) confused by the immediate action, and Bella awkwardly watching them. Jacob imprinted on (Name) Torres-Uley.


     Jacob held (Name) close to him as if his life depended on it. He knew what he had said earlier to Bella when it came to someone imprinting was just all talk and he himself had doubts. However, to experience such emotions for someone with just one look was hard to explain. The moment (Name) had opened the door for him and Bella, the world stopped moving as his eyes connected with hers. He saw visions of him and (Name) holding hands as they walked down a forested path as the morning sun rose above them. He saw themselves from laughing and having fun to crying and comforting each other. His final vision was of (Name) holding a small infant wrapped in a blanket with black decorative designs. She looked at him with smile spreading onto her face as she signaled for him to grab the baby.

     To Jacob, it was rather funny. Earlier, he had been hoping to get Bella to accept him and get her to forget Edward Cullen by showing her how it would be better to be with someone who is living rather than dead, but it wasn't the case anymore.  The "love" he once felt for Bella was not as intense as it was before. Sure, he loved her, but it wasn't the same.

Fate decided to have dear Jacob imprint on the one woman he wouldn't have expected. He'll admit, (Name) has always been beautiful but because he's known her for so long, he had only seen her as nothing more than a wonderful friend. Come to think of it, Jacob can't recall a time if (Name) has ever felt any romantic feelings for him, but he was hopeful especially with this revelation.

     "Jake are you alright?" (Name) asked him as she hesitantly hugged him back.

"Yeah, I— I just missed you is all," Jacob murmured softly.

(Name) pulled away from Jacob, her eyes searching something within his own. "You're so odd," (Name) teased as glanced behind him. "Hello, Bella."

"Hey," Bella greeted awkwardly, as (Name) stepped aside.

"Emily made the pack something to eat, come eat," (Name) invited as she headed to the kitchen to get her already made plate. "Get something before the rest devour everything."

      "We need to eat," Embry stated playfully as he took a bite of chicken.

        "Fat asses," (Name) joked to the pack as she sat beside Quil at the dining table. "All of you."

        "Keep saying that," Paul warned laughingly. " you're going to end up with someone with just as big of an appetite."

        Jacob's heart began to beat faster at the thought of (Name) and him beginning a relationship once he confesses that he imprinted on her. Slowly, the thought began to seep into his mind as Jacob took a seat right by (Name) and not Bella. How would he tell (Name) he imprinted on her? Jacob had been so focused in his thoughts that he hadn't realized that his pack members were watching, especially Sam. Sam had not taken his eyes off Jacob ever since that small exchange between his sister and him.

      As a brother, Sam cared for his sister deeply. Emily of course will always be his number one priority, but his sister will naturally be the person he will care for regardless of what he is doing. After he moved out from his mom's house, he took his sister with him. Not that he minded his mom caring for (Name), however, he preferred raising her himself as Sam was the only blood family she had in the reservation. Now that one of his own pack members imprinted, on (Name) nonetheless, he still felt like he had to protect her. That's just how "brother logic" works.

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